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Uberzombiefrau (2018) Movie Poster
USA  •    •  109m  •    •  Directed by: Al Harland.  •  Starring: Bella Demente, Christopher Rowley, Bryan Kruse, JoAnna Lloyd, Jocelyn Jae Tanis, Amanda Miller, Brian Anderson, Micheal Stiffler, Gregory Ostendorf, Loren Muzzy, Elena Seibert, Al Harland, Ali Ferda.  •  Music by: Gabriel Christenson.
    In the last few weeks of WW2, in a remote part of Eastern Europe. A desperate attempt by the Nazi's to revive and form a formidable army of dead soldiers.


Image from: Uberzombiefrau (2018)
Image from: Uberzombiefrau (2018)
Image from: Uberzombiefrau (2018)
Image from: Uberzombiefrau (2018)
Image from: Uberzombiefrau (2018)
Uberzombiefrau has set a standard. because of Original story line. I cannot think of any movie that comes close to the story line as UZF has. Its a low budget movie with first time film makers and production staff, as well for actors most of them, it was there first acting gig. The effort that was put into production will show and the cast had a blast I think a scene (spoiler) a actor was having fun laughing while throwing a grenade it may not been intentional but what shows is the cast was happy while filming, having fun. Now there are things in this movie that were not perfect it reminded me of 70's maybe 60's style movies. In all Uberzombiefrau has set a standard. Give it a chance and if you have to worry about small stuff this movies has then you wont get it. Watch this movie and most of all enjoy it!!!

Review by boomslang1970 from the Internet Movie Database.