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Mushino (2017) Movie Poster
USA  •    •  80m  •    •  Directed by: Chris McGlothlin, Raphael Cosme...
Drake, a soldier, is tormented by his Father's stories on the world's demise passing it to his long-time friend Aaron. After the events of the 2014 Los Angeles Disaster, Mushino hasn't been seen since, as new threats rise up when the Phractus Leader starts a new revolution against the United States. What will these chain of awful events lead to on the planet's vicious cycle of nature........?


   Length:  Languages:  Subtitles:


Image from: Mushino (2017)
Image from: Mushino (2017)
Image from: Mushino (2017)
Image from: Mushino (2017)
Image from: Mushino (2017)
Image from: Mushino (2017)
Image from: Mushino (2017)
Image from: Mushino (2017)
Image from: Mushino (2017)
Image from: Mushino (2017)
Image from: Mushino (2017)
Image from: Mushino (2017)
Image from: Mushino (2017)
If it's something I love about movies, it's the practical effects, story, and music. Mushino did a great job delivering the three. Now I personally think Mushino should've had more screen time, and it should've had a faster pace, but it was a great film otherwise. Honestly, I'm excited for future installments with Raphael's newer films since they have been improving on many elements, and I appreciate the creativity put into all of his movies, since it shows the effort that fans will put into their films.

Review by Tommy Micke from the Internet Movie Database.



   Length:  Languages:  Subtitles: