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Kung Fu Traveler

Kung Fu Traveler (2017) Movie Poster
China  •    •  98m  •    •  Directed by: Xian Feng Zhang.  •  Starring: Tiger Hu Chen, Darren Grosvenor, Gang Sheng, Yunfei Ye..
    Aliens have invaded and overtaken the Earth. Trying to escape defeat, a Chinese General is accidentally sent back in time while trying to devise a way to defeat the alien invaders.


   Length:  Languages:  Subtitles:


Image from: Kung Fu Traveler (2017)
Image from: Kung Fu Traveler (2017)
Image from: Kung Fu Traveler (2017)
Image from: Kung Fu Traveler (2017)
Image from: Kung Fu Traveler (2017)
Image from: Kung Fu Traveler (2017)
Image from: Kung Fu Traveler (2017)
Image from: Kung Fu Traveler (2017)
Image from: Kung Fu Traveler (2017)
Image from: Kung Fu Traveler (2017)
Image from: Kung Fu Traveler (2017)
Image from: Kung Fu Traveler (2017)
Image from: Kung Fu Traveler (2017)
I was not knowing what to expect really, but I took it out of the library randomly. It was better than I would have guessed.

Aliens have taken over most of Earth, including most of China. The Chinese military finds one of their own who knows the kung fu moves that have any chance of defeating the individual aliens, but the problem is that this art was mostly lost during the nineteenth century, when Europeans armies invaded China. A robot is sent back to that era, along with a human woman, to find the instructor of that form of kung fu. Of course, things are much more complicated than expected when they arrive.

Perhaps a ripoff of similar Western movies, but it still has drama and emotion as well as action, and it also suggests that modern China is more open about its distant past and culture than it used to be.

Review by bigverybadtom from the Internet Movie Database.