USA / Canada 2006 173m      Directed by: Robert Lieberman. Starring: Daryl Hannah, Campbell Scott, Gil Bellows, Suleka Mathew, Beau Starr, Patrick Gilmore, Tygh Runyan, Tina Milo Milivojevic, Serge Houde, John Cassini, Michael Kopsa, William MacDonald, Nathaniel DeVeaux. Music by: Jeff Rona.
Lloyd Walker is an anti-heroic archaeologist who, after stumbling upon an alien conspiracy, becomes enmeshed in an against-all-odds battle to save the human race. From the enigmatic Room 86 to the doomed Pericles space mission, Walker puzzles together clues to reveal the dark purpose behind strange events occurring around San Francisco. Now, the "keeper of dead civilizations" must rescue mankind from slavery at the hands of some very big, very terrifying insect-aliens...
Although this movie drags a bit I cannot help giving it a decent rating simply for the idea that giant murderous insects masquerading as human beings have taken over(or perhaps always have been) the municipal governments of nameless North American cities.
How can you get better than that? It's just so...true.
In this movie (perhaps as in reality) it seems nobody has noticed that the local politicians seem a little emotionless, a little unimaginative, a little impersonal, a little lacking in every human aspect because either people have grown used to them being this way and think it's normal or the ones that protest this end up being liquidated in a way that fertilizes the progress of the proverbial colony.
One of the best scenes has citizens from all over the city, who have been directed by various city officials in all manner of public service departments to a tiny room underneath city hall to have their complaints and concerns "addressed" by the ombudsman, sitting there only to realize almost too late that in the next room where they are waiting to be received is a processing station full of dead citizens just like themselves who have been cut up into bloody bits and now reside in large bins as they await further "processing" by the city representatives.
This movie has such great ideas and such relevant social commentary on the inhuman nature of politics at even the most local level that it is a shame it doesn't play with this more and instead opts for a survivalist attitude instead of ironic disgust. It clearly shows how people in modern North American cities have become not even disposable resources but a threatening burden to social systems designed to support only certain "types" of people and that popular prejudice nowadays is based more on rejecting challenging attitudes, practical enquiry, and an unwillingness to mindlessly go with the flow than it is on culture, gender or class. The movie plays itself straight, which is admirable given its B- movie roots in regards to giant insects, but comes off rather flat since the protagonists don't apply any criticisms to the rest of the world as it reflects their current predicament.
Still, the ideas are there and if you can pluck out the more ironic ones even as the movie glosses, either deliberately or unintentionally, over them "The Final Days of Planet Earth" can be a rewarding experience in the right mindset.
Dedicated to people who have had to suffer the many stupidities of the government on any or all levels, and have survived the socially inbred, administratively useless and retarded public service sectors who have helped them be this way, a dedication which applies to everybody who isn't a part of that self-applied and superior- minded specialized type of ignorance and insensitivity, god bless you. Get out your mental bug-spray, put this movie on and start exterminating!
Review by VideoEmbolism from the Internet Movie Database.