While this movie is (and this phrasing is very much unlike my usual reviews)-- tree hugger pseudo-hippie nonsense-- it is somehow captivating and quasi-interesting all the way through. One wonders if it's ever going to hit a climax or have any resolution. At the end of the movie one is still asking the same question. Yes it has a climax... sort of... and a resolution... sort of.
But what it boils down to is philosophical nonsense disguised as a Scififantasy movie. The acting is bland, the script beyond ludicrous, the plot (what there is of it) a slow drudgery of getting nowhere. The variety of the three female leads keeps this from being a total loss, and I kept bouncing back and forth between giving it 3 or 4 stars.
But in the end it's 3-star nonsense with semi-interesting characters. I would say it makes a point except it doesn't. It's a "documentary" without evidence, a finger-pointer without solutions, and utter drivel in concept. It's a perfectly good way to waste an hour and a half without considering it a total waste... but it comes pretty close to being a bad movie.
Review by Granger from the Internet Movie Database.