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Automata (2017) Movie Poster
USA  •    •  58m  •    •  Directed by: Van Alan.  •  Starring: Jen Taylor, Basil Harris..
In an alternate Prohibition-era America, it's not liquor that's outlawed but robots - living among us as an underclass of social outcasts, the victims of human prejudice and strict laws governing their existence. Automata follows Sam Regal, a former NYPD detective turned private eye, and his incredibly smart automaton partner, Carl Swanee. Together, they help the helpless - whether their client be human or machine makes no difference. They just want to solve the case - shedding a bit of light in an otherwise dark and despairing world.


Image from: Automata (2017)
Image from: Automata (2017)
Image from: Automata (2017)
Image from: Automata (2017)
Image from: Automata (2017)
Image from: Automata (2017)
Image from: Automata (2017)
Image from: Automata (2017)
Image from: Automata (2017)
Image from: Automata (2017)
I only rated it an 8 as future episodes might not merit a 9 or 10 but episode 1 premise promises a really good story: Automata puts a SF twist on the classic noir detective drama, exploring a dystopian alternate version of Prohibition-era New York. Prohibition doesn't ban drinking, but the further production of sapient androids that have become prevalent by the 1920s. As a result, the existing androids, called automatons, are shunned by society, relegated to an untouchable caste of servants despite their near-human thought capability, and are frequently subjected to hatred and violence. It's in this oppressive setting that private detective Sam Regal and his automaton partner Carl Swangee work together to solve cases for both communities, learning to see humanity in one another while trying to prove that justice is still worth serving.

Review by Radu Scarlat from the Internet Movie Database.