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Collapse (2015) Movie Poster
USA  •    •  80m  •    •  Directed by: Jason D. Morris.  •  Starring: Cynthia Gatlin, Kristin Barrett, Jon Ashley Hall, Luke Armstrong, Dalton Leffler, Casey Scott, Dean Heyer.  •  Music by: Eric Nielsen.
    There is a beast in the fog. A hungry thing with claws and wings, that stalks unseen, that destroys everything and everyone it pulls in. But now it's been stopped, at an old cabin in ancient woods, and four strangers, each desperate to remain alive, must figure out why. What is it about this building, this ground, that keeps the end of the world at bay? Assuming they can find an answer before killing each other and before the beast can find them, can they push the destruction back, or will they end up being the last four humans on Earth?


   Length:  Languages:  Subtitles:


Image from: Collapse (2015)
Image from: Collapse (2015)
Image from: Collapse (2015)
Image from: Collapse (2015)
Image from: Collapse (2015)
Image from: Collapse (2015)
Image from: Collapse (2015)
Image from: Collapse (2015)
Image from: Collapse (2015)
Image from: Collapse (2015)
Image from: Collapse (2015)
Image from: Collapse (2015)
Image from: Collapse (2015)
Image from: Collapse (2015)
Image from: Collapse (2015)
Image from: Collapse (2015)
Image from: Collapse (2015)
Image from: Collapse (2015)
Image from: Collapse (2015)
COLLAPSE is one of those dreadful independent sci-fihorror movies with a colourful premise and an execution which simply doesn't match. It involves a quartet of characters who hole up in a remote cabin in the woods during end times. The horror comes from a mysterious creature that has designs on them and the film chronicles their efforts to evade it.

The apocalyptic elements of the film are almost totally missing on what is a very low budget. COLLAPSE is one of those films which simply features a bunch of characters sitting around in the dark and chatting. Characterisation is nil and the quality of the acting matches that. The direction and script are also poor. There's a twist ending of sorts but it's rather silly and the whole thing is a time waste, nothing else.

Review by Leofwine_draca from the Internet Movie Database.