USA 2010 89m      Directed by: Matthew R. Anderson, Edward Conna. Starring: Luke Goss, Matthew R. Anderson, Spice Williams-Crosby, Luke LaFontaine, Edward Conna, Laura Chinn, Joshua Alba, America Young, Cameron Goodman, Johnny Pacar, Luke Gregory Crosby, Lance Frank, Forrest J. Ackerman. Music by: Steve Benton, Scott James.
A group of peaceful Vampires are infected and turned into crazed zombie like creatures whose only motivation is to feed on flesh, whether Human or Vampire. A group of Vamprie commandos tries to keep their identity secret, while trying to stop the spread of the infection. Caught in the middle is a group of human kids on a camping trip, who team up with the Vampires in an attempt to survive.
I watched this movie for the first time about a month ago. I got it, watched it, and as with any not so good movies, I was about to delete it from my computer when I suddenly changed my mind. I then read all the reviews a few days ago and thought to myself that that's not what I felt about this movie. So I watched it again last night and I came to a conclusion: I like it! But then again, I am the rare breed of people that can actually appreciate and sometimes even enjoy a B-movie, no matter how bad. Sure, "The Dead Undead" isn't what I would call a good horrorzombiesci-fifantasy flick, but compared to a whole lot of crap that's circulating out there - it's really not that bad. And in all fairness, it's a pretty decent action film.
The big downsides are the FX. The shooting...is...ehhmm.. kinda off. Just the sync between the shots fired and the actual impact. Once a ZV (as they call the mutated vampires) actually gets shot, the blood looks like red paint just suddenly vaporized on the creature. But I have a way of seeing past that because "The Dead Undead" has good sides that, the way I see it, outweigh the bad sides. For one, we get three flashbacks which are actually interesting. The dialog features some jokes that completely cracked me up at times. There are scenes where I actually jumped a bit 'cause... I got scared. And it's completely and utterly trigger-happy! There were bullets flying, stuff exploding, sword fighting, ass kicking, more shooting and even more shooting. What else can you want from an action movie than shooting and explosions?
Now don't get me wrong, just 'cause I giggled here and there doesn't mean that I'll ever watch this movie again. I just feel that someone has to put in a good word for this better type of B-movie because all the reviews and the ratings do not do it justice. I mean, just read the plot! It pretty much screams "Hi! I'm not a very good movie". But if you, just like me are completely into this type of film, you should watch it. If you however crave all your movies to be (not saying that it's a masterpiece, but I can't think of a better example) "Avatar", you should probably just leave this page and forget about the existence of "The Dead Undead" because you will be disappointed and only add to this movie's bad rep.
But what I really don't like is the ending.(HUGE spoiler coming up!) As in any classical vampire movie, the guy turns the girl and becomes strong from her blood. So there Jack (Luke Goss) was, kicking ass and outta nowhere – he gets backup who scare away all the ZVs! And then the movie ends in a dialog. Sure
the dialog reveals something that makes you wonder for a while about what happened after the movie had ended which makes the movie more interesting. Yeah, well
Interesting shminteresting! I'd rather had watched him kick ass longer than a minute and a half!
Bottom line here is: If you feel like you can appreciate an action flick that happens to have a few vampires in it – watch it! If you have no sense of humor – go watch something else!
(And at the end of the day, it's still better than "Twilight"!).
Review by Jennifer from the Internet Movie Database.