I appreciate diversity in taste. Despite that, it's difficult to imagine someone legitimately considering this a "good movie". There are plot holes enough to sink a starship. What should be a relatively simple concept is presented in a manner so confusing and counter-intuitive many viewers won't really have figured out what happened by the end (some will... but likely won't be impressed). I can't go into details without spoilers. Suffice that this is poor writing, poor directing, and doesn't even qualify as a mediocre fan film. It's not Asylum bad, but close to it.
Bad camera angles, predictable characters, nonsensical plot elements and really bad science are topped off by a goofy ending pulled out of a 3rd grade fiction assignment. It's not a terrible movie, but far from good. Worth watching? Not if you're a true sci-fi fan and value your time.
Review by Snootz from the Internet Movie Database.