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Before the Dark

Before the Dark (2016) Movie Poster
USA  •    •  60m  •    •  Directed by: Benny Oliveri.  •  Starring: Brad Hamerly, Samantha Laurenti, Ryan Quinn Adams, Sara Noah, Benny Oliveri, Rob Gore, Tyler McDanniel, Janine Romney, Vanessa Odalas, Felise Esposito, Levi Harvey..
    After her Mother disappears, Hannah must put together clues left to her from a mysterious source to discover a secret that could be the end of human kind.


   Length:  Languages:  Subtitles:


Image from: Before the Dark (2016)
Image from: Before the Dark (2016)
Image from: Before the Dark (2016)
Image from: Before the Dark (2016)
Image from: Before the Dark (2016)
Image from: Before the Dark (2016)
Image from: Before the Dark (2016)
Image from: Before the Dark (2016)
I appreciate diversity in taste. Despite that, it's difficult to imagine someone legitimately considering this a "good movie". There are plot holes enough to sink a starship. What should be a relatively simple concept is presented in a manner so confusing and counter-intuitive many viewers won't really have figured out what happened by the end (some will... but likely won't be impressed). I can't go into details without spoilers. Suffice that this is poor writing, poor directing, and doesn't even qualify as a mediocre fan film. It's not Asylum bad, but close to it.

Bad camera angles, predictable characters, nonsensical plot elements and really bad science are topped off by a goofy ending pulled out of a 3rd grade fiction assignment. It's not a terrible movie, but far from good. Worth watching? Not if you're a true sci-fi fan and value your time.

Review by Snootz from the Internet Movie Database.