UK 2016 109m      Directed by: Keir Burrows. Starring: Yaiza Figueroa, Philippa Carson, Tom Barber-Duffy, Noah Maxwell Clarke, James Farrar, Yolanda Vazquez, Casey Lawler, Harrie Hayes, Holly Joyce, Julia Savill, Rachel Waring, Joseph Teague, Molly Bas. Music by: Edwin Sykes.
Ana, an Oxford PhD student, finds herself unable to build new memories following an experiment to generate and travel through a wormhole. The story follows her increasingly desperate efforts to understand what happened, and to find out who - or what - is behind the rising horror in her life.
This was a low budget movie and didn't have the hundreds of millions; or even millions to spend so they did what they could within their abilities and this hearkens back to the great movies of John Carpenter and others like the original Terminator movies with special effects guys like Stan Winston and Rob Bottin who would use chewing gum and tomato sauce (The Thing) for many effects to save the budget - you don't have to spend a lot to make a good movie and although there are a lot of scientific holes and anomalies in this movie that the anal-brigade seem obsessed with pointing out; these are the kinds of people who have lost the inner child and cannot go to a movie and just shut off and immerse themselves in the fantasy and that's quite sad! I myself can still watch Doctor Who or Blakes 7 and believe its on a distant planet and not filmed in a wet quarry in Newcastle on a gloomy Sunday afternoon.
There seem to be two types of Scifi fans these days - the ones who expect lots of CGI and effects, poor acting and not much story (The new Star Wars franchise comes to mind) and it seems to be our younger generation - that says a lot about society in itself and then there are the old traditionalists who don't need massive CGI, effects and budget but want a good story, good acting and some interesting science; whether its quantum or singular and that seems to be us older Trekkies and viewers who can suspend disbelief!
If you are of the former you wont enjoy this film but if you are in the latter category you might just find this an interesting little film.
Review by omendata from the Internet Movie Database.