USA 2015 75m      Directed by: Jordan Pacheco. Starring: Tony Moran, Timothy Patrick Quill, David Michael Carpenter, Jaquelyn Fabian, Christopher P. O'Reilly, Alexander Gauthier, Alexandra Cipolla, Nicole Campana, Amanda S. Marie, Mikaila Baca-Dorion, Cate Carson, Jim Baker, Jamie Lyn Bagley..
While on the search of a fleeing felon, a group of bounty hunters head into a vast New England forest in hopes to capture this dangerous man. While on the trail of their quarry, the group encounters more than just a murderer on the run when they are confronted with a seemingly endless horde of the undead. With no shelter, no help and no end to the carnage, survival seems hopeless.
This has nothing to do with the hills that have eyes. The production takes place in early fall in New England outside of River Falls. A group of bounty hunters led by Bosk (Tony Moran) are combing through the woods looking for their payday. They encounter a group of young campers who are there to mostly have sex. Right after they get their man, an unexplained zombie apocalypse happens, which should have never left China. At this point, the film goes from semi-interesting to stupid.
The characters were not well written. The internal drama of the campers and bounty hunters didn't create interest. If you are going to mark on your vehicle the number of people you capture a little paint would work better than scratching the paint.
Review by nogodnomasters from the Internet Movie Database.