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Spain / Colombia 2017 95m      Directed by: Hatem Khraiche. Starring: Clara Lago, Álex González, Andrés Parra, Belén Rueda, Kristina Lilley, John Alex Castillo, Fernando Campo, Sara Deray, Patxi Santamaría, Ina Juaristi, Asier Hernández, Bárbara Rivas, Nelson Camayo. Music by: Federico Jusid.
Helena is a young girl who spent all her life in a space pod just after her birth, traveling from Earth to a distant planet where she will reunite with others space colonials, with the voice of the on-board computer as only one company. Arriving to a space station for maintenance works, Helena meets Álex, the repairman, falling in love with him quickly. But Álex, still traumatized by the ghosts of his own past, decides some days later after to meet Helena break all rules and reveal her the truth: that she is part of a secret experiment to test the effects in the human body of an elongated space travel, and that she was offered by her fathers as well another babies, in the hope to runaway from a progressively more polluted and radioactive planet Earth. Escaping from the fake space pod, Helena exits to the world and discovering it at the side of Álex, being both prosecuted by Hugo, director of the project, who searches the way to keep all project in secret. But during the connivance with Álex, Helena realizes a revelation that will change for her, at the same time that Hugo receives from his superior the order to eliminate Álex and Helena before they can spoil the project to the press and the public eye.
A Spanish science fiction romance about a young woman who's spent her whole life in a space pod, and learns that the reality she's always known is a lie. The film was directed and written by Hatem Khraiche (in his feature film directorial debut). It stars Clara Lago, Álex González, Andrés Parra and Belén Rueda. I found it to be interesting and effectively involving as well.
Helena (Lago) is a young woman who's spent her entire life (since birth) on a space pod sent from Earth to a distant planet. Once there she's told she'll meet other people and have a normal life. Her only communication has been with the ship's onboard computer. That is until a repairman, named Alex (González), arrives on the pod to make needed repairs to it. Helena immediately falls in love with him, having been the only person she's ever met, and Alex feels strong emotions for her as well. That's why he's compelled to tell her the truth, which will expose to Helena that nothing she's believed about her entire reality is true.
The movie proposes great questions about what the greater good is, morally, and how much is an acceptable cost to achieve it. Although the story feels a little reminiscent of other classic sci-fi tales, it still seems mostly fresh and original. The actors all give decent performances in it, and the visuals are beautifully shot as well. The film succeeds at pretty much everything it sets out to do. Still I didn't love it, but I have no real complaints about it either.
Review by Hellmant from the Internet Movie Database.