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Cosmos (2018) Movie Poster
UK  •    •  128m  •    •  Directed by: Elliot Weaver, Zander Weaver.  •  Starring: Tom England, Joshua Ford, Mike Coletta, Arjun Singh Panam, Marc Baylis, Ben Vardy, Simon Worthington.  •  Music by: Chris Davey, Chris Duncan, Mark Heath.
    When a group of amateur astronomers accidentally intercept a faint signal from outer space, they doubt its authenticity and flippantly transmit a response. But when they receive a reply only a few hours later, not only do they believe they've made the greatest discovery in the history of mankind; but found proof of life much closer to Earth.


Image from: Cosmos (2018)
Image from: Cosmos (2018)
Image from: Cosmos (2018)
Image from: Cosmos (2018)
Image from: Cosmos (2018)
Image from: Cosmos (2018)
Image from: Cosmos (2018)
Image from: Cosmos (2018)
Image from: Cosmos (2018)
Image from: Cosmos (2018)
Image from: Cosmos (2018)
Image from: Cosmos (2018)
Image from: Cosmos (2018)
movies like this just really piss me off! Here we have this guy inventing some new way to communicate with the galaxy, he's obviously smart enough that he has funding (which he's about to lose) and 3 times now he picks up comm and noises and the other 2 guys in the car have to ask him if he's RECORDING what he's hearing?! Seriously WTF? Movie starts off by him scanning radio frequencies and he hears music on one that he doesn't hesitate to record but the noises that he's up every night listening for... he has TO BE TOLD TO START RECORDING! Then he loses all the recorded data and has no back up drive of any sort? What kind of idiot "scientist" is this guy? He's supposedly smart enough to develop this whole system but the Basic 101 of this stuff slips his mind? Now this is just foolish and all the reason I need to quit watching!

Like 20 other reviewers have already mentioned... so they're losing power and about to lose all the saved data they collected from their first contact and decide to go running through the woods to go collect the gear!? What they have would be worth a fortune! Screw the stupid tripod antennas! They're acting like they're on another planet and won't be able to go back and retrieve their gear. Complete morons! They had 18 mins and wasted 5 minutes scrambling around not doing a damn thing! This was just irritating to watch and ruined the movie...

Now for the cheesy music and all the awkward longing stares between these men on numerous occasions... not sure what that was all about? Kept waiting for them to f'n kiss each other! Just weird. Could've done without all the close ups of Mike's big face!

Review by jakebrann from the Internet Movie Database.