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Crystal Skulls

Crystal Skulls (2014) Movie Poster
USA  •    •  88m  •    •  Directed by: Todor Chapkanov.  •  Starring: Richard Burgi, Wendy Glenn, Sam Redford, David Rintoul, J.R. Esposito, Matt Rippy, Hugh Fraser, Velislav Pavlov, Hristo Mitzkov, Terry Randall, Angela Rodel, Derek Morse, Julian Kostov.  •  Music by: Paul Michael Thomas.
      It is 2020 and the impending apocalypse is inevitable. Due to a rapidly growing Black Hole headed straight for the sun, Earth begins to fall into darkness, waves rise above Los Angeles, Paris is rocked by extreme earthquakes and Japan is crumbling. Governments around the world race to build massive space arks for the lucky few who will escape Earth's tragic fate, though billions of people will be left behind. At the same time in the ruins of a Mayan temple a solution is discovered: 12 ancient skulls, that when brought together can stop the destruction. A team of scientists set out to find the hidden skulls and rescue mankind from imminent destruction.


   Length:  Languages:  Subtitles:


Image from: Crystal Skulls (2014)
Image from: Crystal Skulls (2014)
Image from: Crystal Skulls (2014)
Image from: Crystal Skulls (2014)
Image from: Crystal Skulls (2014)
Image from: Crystal Skulls (2014)
Image from: Crystal Skulls (2014)
Image from: Crystal Skulls (2014)
Billionaire William Hadden (David Rintoul) is collecting crystal skulls from around the world in Vienna. He is in a wheel chair and "doesn't have much time." He has twelve skulls. There is a group known as "The Brotherhood" protecting the 13th skull, the one skull to rule them all. There is no albino in the group. The best hope for locating the 13th skull fall into the lap of John Winston (Richard Burgi) who is a bad imitation of Indian Jones.

The film was poorly written. The opening scenes of gathering the skulls were reminiscent of the Indian Jones warehouse housing artifacts as well as a quick Mission Impossible snatch. Nothing like an Englishman doing business with an Eastern European in a remote Andean village bar with a suitcase full of money.

When the film wasn't imitating other films, the science was off the charts. There was talk of carbon dating crystal skulls to 500,000 years ago. First you can't carbon date crystal skulls. Secondly, carbon dating has a limitation of about 40,000 years. The science was all over the place.

Then there was dad's notebook Winston was using to locate the skull, and maybe find his dad too. This was a big "huh" moment as to how he has the book in the first place. This was answered later on in great length.

The acting was bad as was the dialogue. The CG plane made me laugh as did the reporters speaking in front of a fake background. Colonel Baily (J.R. Esposito) seemed to have been modeled after Daniel Tosh as part of NATO's not ask don't tell force.

The film displayed some Asylum grade cheese, i.e. it is so bad it was funny. The description "It is 2020 and the apocalypse is inevitable. Due to a rapidly growing Black Hole headed straight for the Sun, Earth begins to fall into darkness." has nothing to do with this film. It is at IMDB and has become the official Amazon description. It should be ignored. This is an Indian Jones style film for people who hate decent sound tracks, good plot, and acting.

Review by nogodnomasters from the Internet Movie Database.