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Eiga Crayon Shin-chan: Gachinko! Gyakushū no Robo Tō-chan

Eiga Crayon Shin-chan: Gachinko! Gyakushū no Robo Tō-chan (2014) Movie Poster
Japan  •    •  97m  •    •  Directed by: Wataru Takahashi.  •  Starring: Keiji Fujiwara, Satomi Kôrogi, Miki Narahashi, Akiko Yajima, Emi Takei..
Shin-chan's father goes for a massage to fix his sprained back but returns home as a robot that can cook and clean and be operated by a remote control. However, his artificial body contains a secret that is involved in a big conspiracy of restless Japanese dads who are upset that their positions in their households have become weak.


   Length:  Languages:  Subtitles:


Image from: Eiga Crayon Shin-chan: Gachinko! Gyakushū no Robo Tō-chan (2014)
Image from: Eiga Crayon Shin-chan: Gachinko! Gyakushū no Robo Tō-chan (2014)
Image from: Eiga Crayon Shin-chan: Gachinko! Gyakushū no Robo Tō-chan (2014)
Image from: Eiga Crayon Shin-chan: Gachinko! Gyakushū no Robo Tō-chan (2014)
Image from: Eiga Crayon Shin-chan: Gachinko! Gyakushū no Robo Tō-chan (2014)
Image from: Eiga Crayon Shin-chan: Gachinko! Gyakushū no Robo Tō-chan (2014)
This movie is amazing. I admit it wasn't as funny as other movies, but that doesn't matter at all. This movie is rather sad than funny. This movie shows that our dads would do anything, even sacrificing himself, for his family.

SPOILERS FROM HERE: It's sad how the robot dad lost the arm wrestle on purpose. Even though he is fake, his mind is still the same. So his mind is saying that he is the real dad. However, he knows that if he wins the arm wrestle, his family would have hard time living, as they would have to help him get fixed and everything. So he decided to lose on purpose. How sad is that. Losing a bet on purpose because he doesn't want to trouble his family. That's like sacrificing for family. This movie was literally the second film that made me cry.

Review by instafubuki from the Internet Movie Database.