USA 2016 90m      Directed by: Michael Shumway. Starring: Blake Webb, Tatum Langton, Jaclyn Hales, Natalie Day, Keith Hottinger, Marlys Miller-Fladeland, Cuyle Carvin, Richard Sharrah, Jack Diamond, Sue Rowe, Tye Nelson, Brandyn Cross, Caitlin E.J. Meyer. Music by: James Schafer, Michael Shumway.
At the end of his marriage, David leaves on a business trip to give his wife much-needed space. When airplanes start mysteriously falling out of the sky and cell towers fail across the nation, he finds himself trapped. The Earth falling to an alien invasion, David fights to return to whatever is left of home.
Normally I would provide a spoiler alert, but this movie was spoiled long before I saw it. Fortunately, there's a check box for this, so I guess I'm safe.
This movie was the biggest waste of time I have recently encountered. Firstly, the movie goes through numerous flashbacks without any indication whatsoever that they are happening. In this movie, David and Amy have a horrible marriage yet David is still trying to get back to her. He appears to be oblivious to the alien invasion and wonders why he sees helicopters crashing next to him and people lying dead everywhere. You can see in the beginning that he has an injured leg which he ties a piece of cloth around before driving. We don't know yet how he was injured. He comes across a lot of bodies in the street and stops. He doesn't really seem all that surprised still. A live man comes up and tells him there are others who need help and asks him to follow. This is where he meets Samantha, who also was in a failed marriage. They finally leave together without any others who are being attacked by aliens with laser weapons dressed like Coneheads from a Saturday Night Live skit. While they are driving and talking, you will suddenly notice that Samantha isn't in the car and it is only David. Very bad flashback technique.
Finally realizing it is a flashback, you see David nearly hit a man in the street at night. He stops and exits the car and asks the man if he's okay. The guy is just standing there like a zombie, not saying a word with a dazed look. So what does David do? Ask the strange stranger if he wants a ride, of course. Later, he encounters a weird woman in the middle of the road and she walks up and throws a large bucket of water all over his windshield. What does he do? Of course, he gets out and asks her if she is okay. Then an old geezer with a shotgun fires at him, so what does David do? Jump into his car and haul ass? No, he starts walking toward the dude's house like a moron and all the while this guy is yelling at him and telling him to get off his property. But he doesn't stop. The old man hears something and starts shooting, then tells David to get in or out (meaning his house). So naturally, David enters the old Shotgun- toting dude's house who just threatened his life. Aliens attack the house and the old guy suddenly remembers he forgot to lock the back door. How convenient. When they get in, he starts shooting and accidentally hits David in the leg. Oh! It makes sense now how he got injured. So you'd think. David then goes down into the basement with a sledge hammer and hides while the old guy shoots it out with aliens. Then one walks into the basement and David kills him with the sledge hammer. Now you'd think, after coming face-to-face with a pointed-headed alien that he would have a clue what is going on, but in the scenes later, he still doesn't seem to.
Finally David and Samantha are getting along pretty well and you can just see a new relationship beginning to blossom. David's wife was cheating on him anyway and he had admitted to Samantha that he had cheated on her in the past. So you just know these two survivors are gonna' hook up. Um... nope. A military helicopter lands to pick them up and Samantha begs David to get in but he stays. He insists he must find Amy. So Samantha flies off in the chopper, never to be seen again while David pushes on into town.
People in town are running and getting toasted by aliens and alien drones. David finally sees Amy running in a crowd of people and she sees him and they start the classic long run towards one another in slow motion. Yes, we all know this will end well. When they are ten feet from each other, she is hit in the back with a laser and dies. David sits down by her and holds her while an alien walks up to him and we all know he is killed.
Movie ends, as does 90 minutes of my life I can never get back.
Review by emplehod-2 from the Internet Movie Database.