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Our RoboCop Remake

Our RoboCop Remake (2014) Movie Poster
USA  •    •  108m  •    •  Directed by: Kelsy Abbott, Paul Bartunek, Casey Donahue, Fatal Farm, Tom Kauffman, Michael McCafferty, Nick Mundy, Dan Murrell, Ryan Ridley, J.D. Ryznar, Joshua Sasson, David Seger, Eric Appel, James Atkinson, Todd Bishop, Stephen Cedars, David Codeglia, Robert Copperfield, Kate Freund, Matthew Freund, Hank Friedmann, Clint Gage, Adam Ganzer, Ariel Gardner, Tais Ghelli, Shane Houghton, Paul Isakson, Mike Karnell, Alex Kavutskiy, Benji Kleiman, Jim Klimek, Jason Makiaris, Mike Manasewitsch, Timothy Marklevitz, Wendy McColm, Aaron Moles, John Olsen, Ben Pluimer, Matthew Pollock, Wade Randolph, Kyle Reiter, Dan Riesser, Jennifer Ruiz, Austin Salmi, Andy Signore, Duncan Skiles, Lauren Smitelli, Tyler Spiers, Spencer Strauss, Erni Walker, Jon Watts, Brett Weiner, Matt Wyatt, Brian Wysol, Scott Yacyshyn, Lindsay Zdziebko, Zachary Harrison Zdziebko, Jeremy Cohen, Ryan Ross.  •  Starring: Chase Fein, Nichole Bagby, Willy Roberts, Hank Friedmann, Scott Yacyshyn, Justin Lazernik, Kate Freund, DeMorge Brown, Cheryl Levine, Anthony Vanchure, Brad Geis, David Seger, G. Larry Butler.  •  Music by: Andrew Kaiser, Barry J. Neely, Zachary Harrison Zdziebko.
    Our RoboCop Remake was a crowd-sourced film project based on the 1987 Paul Verhoeven classic. Connected through various filmmaking channels (including Channel 101) they were 50 filmmakers (amateur and professional) from Los Angeles and New York who split the original RoboCop into individual pieces and remade it themselves.


   Length:  Languages:  Subtitles:


Image from: Our RoboCop Remake (2014)
Image from: Our RoboCop Remake (2014)
Image from: Our RoboCop Remake (2014)
Image from: Our RoboCop Remake (2014)
Image from: Our RoboCop Remake (2014)
Image from: Our RoboCop Remake (2014)
Just before Robocop the remake was released in 2014, a group of different film makers through what most of us Robocop fans thought, and that is that the movie did not need to be remade. So what they have done here is taken several film makers, writers, directors and producers and each made their own parody remake of Robocop in whatever way they want.

It's a clever idea, I think. They where given the freedom to each recreate a scene from the original Robocop film, and make it whatever way they wanted to. Whether it be edit the original film, re-shoot it with new actors, puppets or visual FX, or even just animate it.

There are quite a few hilarious scenes. I especially loved the introduction and end to ED-209. The attempted rape scene of the blonde girl, and a few of the commercial parodies. They are comedy gold. However, where there is good, you have to take the bad too. Some scenes are pretty poorly acted, and even the jokes are not enough to keep it from stinking. However some people do find visual eating humor, so i'm sure fans of Melissa McCarthy will probably get a kick out of the few opening scenes.

This is one of the weirdest parody films I have seen, but certainly far from the worst of them, so expect something much better than Jason Friedberg & Aaron Seltzer bombardment of parody movie fails, but at the same time, don't go in expecting too much. It does have some great scenes, but as I said, some are pretty bad too.

Review by Mike Hunt from the Internet Movie Database.