The few reviews of this movie make it out to be a horrible blockbuster. Take it for what it is, a movie that really should have been a documentary on the current state of the Cancer industry. Yes its a bunch of B or C actors you've never heard of, so? I was playing video games and watching the movie, so maybe it wasn't as bad to me because I wasn't 100% focused on it. Anyhow the movie is true to the idea that there really is a cancer cure and its easily obtainable, yet the drug companies make billions off not having a cure, so they would do anything to kill actual progress in finding a cure.
On the other hand, I'm not sure how this was made into a movie, lol. If the topic of cancer interests you, this movie might also. Not worth your time based on actor performances, cinematography (the entire movie takes place basically inside a lab), dialog, or strength in plot.
Review by dinkster9 from the Internet Movie Database.