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Cure, The

Cure, The (2014) Movie Poster
USA / New Zealand  •    •  90m  •    •  Directed by: David Gould.  •  Starring: Gabriel Abreu, Gino Acevedo, David Allen, Richard Anderson, Rene Auer, John Bach, Armando Baudin, Jaya Beach-Robertson, Benj Berryman, Melissa Billington, Nathalie Boltt, Jay Bratschi, Lucy Briant.  •  Music by: Daniel Sadowski.
     A young female researcher discovers that the pharmaceutical company that she is working for had developed a cure for cancer many years earlier. They haven't released it because that would destroy their chemotherapy drug sales. She must now escape and release the cure to world while the company tries to stop her.


   Length:  Languages:  Subtitles:


Image from: Cure, The (2014)
Image from: Cure, The (2014)
Image from: Cure, The (2014)
Image from: Cure, The (2014)
Image from: Cure, The (2014)
Image from: Cure, The (2014)
Image from: Cure, The (2014)
Image from: Cure, The (2014)
Image from: Cure, The (2014)
Image from: Cure, The (2014)
The few reviews of this movie make it out to be a horrible blockbuster. Take it for what it is, a movie that really should have been a documentary on the current state of the Cancer industry. Yes its a bunch of B or C actors you've never heard of, so? I was playing video games and watching the movie, so maybe it wasn't as bad to me because I wasn't 100% focused on it. Anyhow the movie is true to the idea that there really is a cancer cure and its easily obtainable, yet the drug companies make billions off not having a cure, so they would do anything to kill actual progress in finding a cure.

On the other hand, I'm not sure how this was made into a movie, lol. If the topic of cancer interests you, this movie might also. Not worth your time based on actor performances, cinematography (the entire movie takes place basically inside a lab), dialog, or strength in plot.

Review by dinkster9 from the Internet Movie Database.