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Cube Zero

Cube Zero (2004) Movie Poster
  •  Canada / USA  •    •  97m  •    •  Directed by: Ernie Barbarash.  •  Starring: Zachary Bennett, David Huband, Stephanie Moore, Martin Roach, Terri Hawkes, Richard McMillan, Mike 'Nug' Nahrgang, Tony Munch, Michael Riley, Joshua Peace, Diego Klattenhoff, Alexia Filippeos, Jasmin Geljo.  •  Music by: Norman Orenstein.
        The sci-fi-flavored suspense of Cube continues as a new group of prisoners navigate the treacherous confines of their futuristic trappings in this prequel from Cube 2 screenwriter and first-time director Ernie Barbarash. Each step is potentially the last as the deadly last traps hidden in the sparse rooms find the numbers of the unwilling prisoners quickly thinning. Only when they can figure out the mysteries of their constantly changing prison will the surviving inmates have any hope for escape, and even then there is no guarantee of freedom -- much less survival. As the cube workers who monitor the prisoners progress bear witness to their increasingly grim bid for survival, a sudden sting of remorse finds one of the employees empathizing with the victims and plotting to assist them in their unlikely escape.


   Length:  Languages:  Subtitles:


Image from: Cube Zero (2004)
Image from: Cube Zero (2004)
Image from: Cube Zero (2004)
Image from: Cube Zero (2004)
Image from: Cube Zero (2004)
Image from: Cube Zero (2004)
Image from: Cube Zero (2004)
Image from: Cube Zero (2004)
Image from: Cube Zero (2004)
Image from: Cube Zero (2004)
Image from: Cube Zero (2004)
Image from: Cube Zero (2004)
Image from: Cube Zero (2004)
Image from: Cube Zero (2004)
Image from: Cube Zero (2004)
The story continues with more people stuck in a Cube-like prison, but is that all? No. We actually learn that there are workers watching the prisoners in the Cube. Until one of the workers realize that there is an innocent woman stuck in the Cube. Will he stay on the evil side or will he join the good side with the prisoners? Cube was one of the most intelligent thrillers ever made, with interesting characters, awesome gore and well crafted suspense. I gave that a 10. Cube 2 was nothing. It takes a good premise (eight strangers stuck in a hypercube) but adds this alternate universe crap, with unoriginal traps, annoying characters, insulting ending and badly done CGI. In fact, too much badly done CGI. I gave that a 3 because that are some good points. The rooms are nice and the music score is not bad, but that doesn't save the movie from becoming total trash. Cube Zero is different. It wants you to ignore Cube 2 and shows you what made the original worked; suspense, good characters, well done effects and awesome gore. There are new traps this time; Acid, wires, a flesh-eating virus, sonic weapon, freezing ice and of course, a room that vaporizes the victim. Now then, the characters are very interesting. For once, you can care for the characters now. You can even feel sad for the victims that are about to die. The main character, Eric Wynn, is awesome. Of course, he's not one of the participants, but rather one of the people who watches the Cube. He has no choice, but to rescue one of the participants of the Cube. Now I heard the character Jax was supposed to be a comedy relief. To me, he was more of a psychopath than a comedy relief, but he did had some funny moments. The direction from first-timer Ernie Barbarash (who wrote and produced Cube 2) got the tone just right. He went back to what worked in the first one and add the old, dark rusty rooms (Hey, I thought the rooms in Cube 2 was alright, but did they think that it would beat the rooms in the original?). Another thing is that instead of CGI gore, the make-up for gore effects is back. I'm glad he went back to the make-up basics instead of crappy CGI. His story was cool as well. As you can see, Ernie is the writer here. No one else, but him. I love the way he explained the Cube mythology. He should make more movies in the future because this film proved that he is a good filmmaker. Overall, I had a great time watching this. It was a fantastic effort to the Cube mythology and I hope to see more in the future. But also, I can't wait til they explain about the building of the Cube.

Acting: 910: Zachary Bennett (Eric) does a great job as the main character with a nice touch of realism. Stephanie Moore (Rains) did a fine job here. She may not be the next Leaven, but she's still awesome to me. David Hubband (Dodd) was another winner, with his good character and a fine performance.

Gore Factor: 1010: WHOAH!!! This was gorier than 'Dawn of the Dead' and 'The Devil's Rejects' put together. Another f#cking winner.

T&A: 010: None, but it didn't need any.

Direction: 1010: Ernie Barbarash did a great job here with a fascinating storyline, well-crafted suspense, a few good scares and adding lots of awesome gore. I love it.

Review by Pearlhead from the Internet Movie Database.