USA 2004 85m      Directed by: Chuck Hartsell, Chance Shirley. Starring: Chuck Hartsell, Michael Shelton, Kyle Holman, Chris Garrison, Eric McGinty, Tom Geislinger, Stephen Johnson, Barry Austin, Melba Sibrel, Melissa Bush, Kyle McKinnon, Lael Boyd, Shane Traffanstedt. Music by: Eric McGinty.
A ragged group of eccentric Southern townspeople are forced to band together to fight off a zombie invasion in this raucous, entertaining, gloriously low-budget horror/comedy.
Let me start by saying this...do I know the folks from this movie. Yes, I know some of them. Have I worked with them...yes, a lot of them. Would I say that I'm "friends" with a lot of them? I would say that I have "worked" with some of them. I have spent more time with others...Chance for instance. Would I say we're friends, I would like to think so. With that said, know that this is not about to be said to "defend my friends".
I would estimate that there are a lot of people out there, some being those who have commented on this film, that are victims to the commercialization of the movie industry...and more importantly the effects that this commercialization has had on the ART of film MAKING. Some of you who have commented on this film have made remarks that show you either have never made a film, don't understand the art, or are just wanting to something to complain about. Watching movies is far from being educated enough to critique the work of someone's film... Unless you are commenting on nothing other than the shear entertainment value. Some of you on the other hand seem to be informed somewhat as to what it actually takes (monetarily, time, sacrifice, TALENT, skill, etc.) To this latter group, I'm not speaking to you and I know that your comments are appreciated greatly.
To the other group, and to anyone else who wants to see this film, it is a good product and I highly recommend it. To make a film in today's world, and to get the publicity that this one has is a task that most people's dreams die behind. When you watch a film like this one, appreciate it for the art of film making, AND the entertainment that it brings to the table. I have seen these guys work, and have been honored to work with them on other projects (NOTICE: DO YOU SEE MY NAME ANYWHERE ON THE CREDITS FOR THIS FILM? I DIDN'T DO ANYTHING WITH IT.) These guys are representative of some of the true lovers of film and people who are a dying breed. They don't make movies for the monetary gains, as most of them make enough break even if they're lucky. They make movies because they love the art, the thrill, and the reward of undertaking an endeavor such as this. They're not sellouts to the large studios, they don't make it to be famous...they do it because they love it. What's even more impressive is how they do it.
These guys don't bring in trucks and trucks of equipment, hiring lighting, sound, and production companies for $1000's or hundreds of $1000's of dollars, and do millions of dollars of post production work. They do the work in their bedrooms on a Mac, have a few people come and work with them, and the rest is shear desire and talent that makes these films.
I counted 7 of the comments as being absolutely worthless and void of any real educated critique. It's a good movie that is very entertaining. I didn't have anything to do with this film as the credits show and I have seen maybe 3 people that had anything to do with it in the past...3 years or so.
Personally, I love being around film-making and I think it's absolutely one of the most enjoyable things I've ever done. I'm not skilled at what I do...whatever that is. I don't work a camera, don't call the shots, and can't act my way out of a papersack. I don't edit, I don't cut sound, and I don't do marketing. I'm just someone who appreciates, loves and wants to know more about this incredible art that is film-making. Why do I say I'm not "friends" with these people...because 1)they deserve to have someone who isn't accused of being a friend to critique their work and 2)I've been blessed with the opportunity to be around while they make these films and don't have anything to really offer myself...I consider myself lucky. I take every opportunity with a smile on my face to be around and help where I can. I don't have the talent to do this stuff myself but if I can help someone else realize a dream, then I've had a good day.
The script, makeup, and effects critiques were not award-winning aspects of a film, but they were what this film needed to make it work. No A-list actor with perfect lighting and makeup would give the desired effect that these guys attained. That's where the entertainment was found by me.
And the acting? Many of these people are extremely talented individuals. Enough said.
Judging a film like this one by comparing it to a multi-million dollar budget film is like comparing a pee-wee football Wide Receiver to Terrell Owens. Not in skill, talent, or product produced, because in the proper context, this is a great film, but for the reason they "play the game".
Review by indebt2jc from the Internet Movie Database.