USA 2000 93m      Directed by: Tobe Hooper. Starring: Mark McLachlan, Caitlin Martin, Chris Solari, D.W. Reiser, Julie Mintz, Rhett Wilkins, Greg Wayne, Harrison Young, Terrence Evans, Vern Crofoot, Larry Udy, Adam Gierasch, Kip Addota. Music by: Serge Colbert.
A group of none-too-bright fraternity jocks packs it up and heads out into the grand American wilderness. Once there, they fool with Mother Nature in the worst way when they stumble across the eggs of a rare, vicious (and GIANT) crocodile. Soon, the killer croc is on a bloody rampage of carnage and destruction, and it's up to the locals, led by the sheriff, to stop the bustling beasty.
No matter what Tobe Hooper comes up with, no matter how bad it might get, I'll always be watching his movies. As far as B-monster-movies go, this is a fun and enjoyable flick. While it certainly isn't an excellent one, there are a lot worse out there. At least it isn't so bad it gets painful. Now I'm not sure that Tobe Hooper directing this flick was a good or a bad thing. On the good side, his directing lifted CROCODILE up one level (but I think his directing is way too good & stylish for this type of movie). On the other hand, I don't think CROCODILE will look good on his resume.
I can, however, understand why Tobe Hooper took the job as a director on this one. It's sort of a teen-slasher-movie with the villain being a killer-crocodile. Those are two elements Hooper has been familiar with throughout his career. But the screenplay is just too stupid, with only one nice part: they actually added a little myth to the crocodile's background-story, instead of it just being there. I also was disappointed about the fact that the run-down mansion in the swamp wasn't used more in the story. I would've loved to have seen a final climax with the crocodile in that creepy mansion. But no, it is only shown in two shots and that's it. So the whole movie takes place in the swamps. The young cast is attractive but forgettable, and I strongly doubt that any of them is going places in Hollywood. But I did enjoy those two dirty redneck-dudes with their alligator-farm. They had some good lines. In fact, the scene where they were talking to the sheriff in their dirty house was the only time the movie reminded me of Hooper's earlier movies. Ah, those days of glory.
As opposed to many viewers, I actually thought the CGI-crocodile was more convincing than the 'animatronics'-puppet they used. The puppet-movement was just too static when it opened its mouth and it sure didn't swim like a crocodile. It looked like they just pulled a big plastic crocodile through the water. Oh, well, the attacks were fairly suspenseful and bloody and the prosthetics were quite good.
So this movie has one part teenager-nonsense and one part crocodile-action. Works for me. And it also has an ending which every animal-rights activist will love to see. In my opinion CROCODILE isn't as good as LAKE PLACID but still better than KROCODYLUS (aka BLOODSURF). The sequel, CROCODILE 2: DEATH SWAMP is just more of the same.
Review by Vomitron_G from the Internet Movie Database.