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Japan 1959 121m      Directed by: Eijirô Wakabayashi. Starring: Tatsuo Umemiya, Hiroko Mine, Takashi Kanda, Ushio Skashi, Ken Hasebe, Junji Masuda, Jôji Oka, Akira Asami, Jack Curtis, Rikiya Iwaki, Akira Katayama, Yûji Kitamine, Kôji Komori. Music by: Katsuhisa Hattori.
A Group of space men from the planet Krankor who resemble chickens are led by their leader, Phantom to invade Earth. But a strange superhero named Prince of Space (actually a bootblack in disguise) arrives to defeat the spacemen. Although the weapons of the aliens cannot harm the Prince of Space, the Phantom continues to fight, and many plot twists (including capturing a group of elderly scientists) ensue. Watch out for the Giant!
After having seen Prince of Space about 5 or 6 times, of course through MST3K (would probably have spontaneously combusted without those lovable robots), I have grown to love this movie. It is so bad that it is fun to watch. A definite party movie, and one that no one will mind if you talk through. The acting is horrible, the dubbed voices are lousy (all dubbed children in Japanese movies sound suspiciously the same), and the special effects and writing are beyond horrendous... but it is fun.
This movie is sooo bad that it is fun to watch: watch as Krankor and his men vainly attempt to disintegrate our hero, over and over and over and over again, despite Prince's constant banter "Your weapons have no effect against me." Cheer as the shoe-shine man (Underdog???) tells his adopted boot-black children to listen to a strange note written by our Prince, without any questions in return. Shed a tear each time Krankor's chicken-shaped ship floats on its wires overhead. Feel the love as the space trollogreguy with mold on face attacks the Prince's ship on the beloved planet Krankor. (I first thought it was Crank Whore... no difference). I must give this movie a 5 for effort and heart, despite being the worst movie I have ever seen (I lost forty percent of my hair, as I pulled and pulled at each grueling scene).
Of course I know that anyone who has actually seen this movie, has seen it through MST3K, and the only people who will actually read these reviews have also seen it through Nelson, Servo and Crow. I hope that I am not wrong, for the love of God, I hope I am not wrong.
Review by Bokomaru from the Internet Movie Database.