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Muchi to no sôgû

Muchi to no sôgû (2010) Movie Poster
Japan  •    •  Directed by: Takanobu Gôda.  •  Starring: Junia Chihara, Rossy.  •  Music by: Akio Kondo.
Chihara Junior and Rossy visit a little village for a filming for a TV show. It seems to be an ordinary village, but it turns out to be that all the villagers are aliens. Moreover, they are planning to start a space war. Rossy finds out this plan, and as a man with a strong sense of justice, he desperately tries to stop it.


Image from: Muchi to no sôgû (2010)
Image from: Muchi to no sôgû (2010)
Image from: Muchi to no sôgû (2010)
A sci-fi comedy film, starring the popular TV comedian Chihara Junior and Rossy. It tells a silly and absurd story that is full of nonsense laughter.

Review by Unknown from the Internet Movie Database.