When I saw this movie it was, as you can assume from the language I'm typing this in, in English. Specifically, it was titled "The Brain." I personally thought that it was a good movie. However, I'm a fan of old science fiction movies in general. Many viewers who can't live without stunning visual effects and 3D surround-sound are doomed to disappointment with this one, and the fact that it was dubbed from German obviously detracts from the value of the movie somewhat, but in all it was a decent movie. The plot was somewhat more difficult to follow than that of other movies, but if you can follow (for instance) Buckaroo Bonzai, then it shouldn't be a problem.
Still, I don't think I would mind seeing this movie turned into an episode of MST3K. It's just the type of thing that they would do.
Review by afgncaap5 from the Internet Movie Database.