USA / Italy / France 1973 95m      Directed by: Paul Morrissey, Antonio Margheriti. Starring: Joe Dallesandro, Monique van Vooren, Udo Kier, Arno Jürging, Dalila Di Lazzaro, Srdjan Zelenovic, Nicoletta Elmi, Marco Liofredi, Liù Bosisio, Fiorella Masselli, Cristina Gaioni, Rosita Torosh, Carla Mancini. Music by: Claudio Gizzi.
Baron Frankenstein attempts to create a new race of humans out of body parts. He wants to mate his male creation to his female creation so he figures he needs the brain of a real lady's man. By mistake, he beheads a man about to enter a monastery to become a monk. The creature shows no interest in his female companion, but the Baron's sex starved wife shows interest in him. He ends up killing her squeezing her to death while they are performing sex. In the finale, the Baron has his hand smashed off by an iron gate and a spear struck through him with his liver dangling on the end.
SPOILERS Grossed out and stomach churning version of the Frankenstein saga this time taking place not where it originated in 19th Century Germany but in of all places Serbia instead. That's because it was actually filmed on location there.
Serbian Baron Dr. Von Frankenstein has been trying for years to create the perfect Serbian couple in order to have them breed a super race of Serbian Supermen and women that will answer and obey his every command. It's when the Baron and his faithful assistant Otto go down to the the local whorehouse to find a man viral and strong enough to fit the bill, in being the perfect Seriban Man, that they mistakenly select this shy and sexually uninterested farmer Sadjan who's there at the invitation of his good friend Nick the handsome and sexy stable boy. It's Nick who want's his friend Sadjan to have one last good time at the whorehouse before he enters the the monastery to become, what he always wanted to be in life, a hermit-like Monk.
Thinking that Srdjan, or better yet his head, is what's needed to be attached to the body back at the lab to create his masterpiece, the perfect Seriban Man, the Baron and Otto ambush Srdjan, together with a dead drunk Nick, leaving the whorehouse and have him decapitated! As things later turn out they, The Baron & Otto, got the wrong person, or head, for their experiment. It soon became evident that Srdjan had no interest at all in having sex with the perfect Serbian Female in order to create a race of super Seribans like the Baron wanted him to do. In fact it was Nick who had the both equipment as sex drive to do the job and it was the Baron's sex starved wife & sister the Baronness who's was the only person in the movie to notice that! Desperately wanting to put some gin and vinegar into her life the Baroness ended up forcing herself on Nick while her husband & brother the Baron were too busy trying, with no success, to get an uninterested and bored to tears Zrdjan to impregnate his female Serbian Zombie!
The film has a desperate Nick try to save his friend Srdjan from both Baron Frankenstein's experiments and his wife the Baroness, in thinking that he's the perfect Serbian Man, very overly sexual aggressive advances towards him. This leads the Baron to suspect that Nick is somehow trying to sabotage his experiment not realizing, until it was too late, that it was Nick's not Srdjan's head that he needed to make his experiment a complete success!
SPOILER ALERT As things turned out it was the Baron's assistant Otto who really screwed everything up for him by becoming obsessed with the perfect Serbian Female whom he secretly wanted all for himself! In his clumsy attempt in trying to have sex with her Otto, not really knowing what to do, ended up destroying the Seriban Female Zombie by ripping out her insides thinking that's, in seeing his oversexed boss the Baron do it earlier in the movie, how it's done! The shocked Baron seeing that his noble experiment in the advancement of the Serbian race had gone kaput completely lost it and this caused a murderous chain reaction in the film where before it was over the entire main cast of characters ended up kaput along with it!
Not for the squeamish Andy Warhol's Frankenstein is about as grossed out as a movie can get. The blood and guts as well as the operation scenes in the movie are enough to make you both puke, and give up eating meat as well as fish, and become a life long vegan for the rest of your days. You have to give the Baron or the actor who played him-Udo Kier-credit in taking his role as the utterly cracked up as well as sexually, not scientifically, driven Baron Von Frankenstein deadly serious. The final scene with the Baron had him give one of the most heart-or liver-felt performance in motion picture history. A performance that even an actor of the caliber of a Richard Burton or John Barrymore would have great difficulty in duplicating.
Review by sol1218 from the Internet Movie Database.