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Café Flesh

Café Flesh (1982) Movie Poster
  •  USA  •    •  74m  •    •  Directed by: Stephen Sayadian, Mark S. Esposito.  •  Starring: Andy Nichols, Paul McGibboney, Michelle Bauer, Marie Sharp, Tantala Ray, Joey Lennon, Neil Podorecki, Dennis Edwards, Kevin James, Dondi Bastone, Paul Berthell, Hilly Waters, Autumn True.  •  Music by: Mitchell Froom.
      In the future, humans are divided into Sex Negatives and Sex Positives. The negatives get sick if they have sex so they go to Cafe Flesh to see positives who are forced to perform on stage for the negatives. Lana is a positive who everyone thinks is a negative and she must decide whether to come clean or not.


Image from: Café Flesh (1982)
Image from: Café Flesh (1982)
Image from: Café Flesh (1982)
Image from: Café Flesh (1982)
Image from: Café Flesh (1982)
Image from: Café Flesh (1982)
Image from: Café Flesh (1982)
Image from: Café Flesh (1982)
Here in the UK many films with explicit sexual acts are being passed with an 18 (but not adult) rating in their uncut format, providing the sex is within context to the piece. Cafe flesh, the epitome of late 70s early 80s porn is probably one that would pass with glowing colours.

What makes this film so extraordinary is it tackles themes that are interesting beyond pornography that probably couldn't be expressed any other way. Mainly it's focus is on sexual frustration, but also inadequacy and betrayal are taken in.

The story follows a rag tag band of nuclear war survivors who can no longer make love. Sexual contact makes them feel violently sick (the negatives). A lucky few (the positives) are forced to perform sex acts on stage as entertainment for the negatives.

Enter Nick, a negative ex football star, and his negative girlfriend Lana. They spend their nights watching the action at cafe flesh wallowing in their own self pity at being sexually incapable....except...! Lana is really positive and hiding the fact to stay with the man she loves. When sleazy club compere Max discovers this, he antagonises Nick and entices Lana until she eventually is brought out of the audience and onto the stage by desire and sexual need. The final shot of Nick, crouched down and distraught while the club laughs at his inadequacies, his girlfriend being screwed on stage willingly, and with Max revelling in Nicks failure as a man, gives an emotional kick of considerable force you wont forget quickly.

As it stands, the technical film making skill is at the poor end, the production values are low, and even the best DVD transfer is cheesy to say the least. But that doesn't matter as the strength of ideas and the emotional jolt it gives you seems far too talented for a sci-fi porn romp. The sex is normal, short, and played by ordinary people with lumps and bumps, not like the glossy super babe pictures of today. If you're expecting an earth shattering porn movie you may be disappointed.

Review by leeandfong from the Internet Movie Database.