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Accidents (1989) Movie Poster
  •  South Africa / USA / France  •    •  90m  •    •  Directed by: Gideon Amir.  •  Starring: Edward Albert, Leigh Taylor-Young, Jon Cypher, Ian Yule, Candice Hillebrand, Tony Caprari, Gordon Mulholland, Robin Smith, Patrick Lyster, Lynne White, Bruce Scott-Sirota, Allan Pierce, Jeff Fannell.  •  Music by: Bruce Cassidy.
      A research scientist discovers that his project is being secretly adapted for use by the military. When he objects, his co-workers start to die in mysterious accidents.


   Length:  Languages:  Subtitles:


Image from: Accidents (1989)
Image from: Accidents (1989)
Image from: Accidents (1989)
Image from: Accidents (1989)
Image from: Accidents (1989)
Image from: Accidents (1989)
Image from: Accidents (1989)
Image from: Accidents (1989)
Image from: Accidents (1989)
Image from: Accidents (1989)
Image from: Accidents (1989)
Image from: Accidents (1989)
I see this movie only has one other review and they were a bit more lenient than me. I can only give it 1 star because it was just horribly bad. Its about a neurologist who goes to Australia to help scientists with procedures to help people, eventually he learns his research is not only being used to hurt people but the technology is being sold to high government officials and might ultimately kill thousands of people. He watches co-workers die and he tries his best to stop this catastrophe from happening.

So dull of a movie. Tran World Entertainment had some real garbage back in the day, and this is maybe the worst. I made it through it but at times it was laugh out loud funny. Like for instance, a guy gets shot in the eye I think I heard a Wilhelm scream when he grabs his eye. A mans brain is exploded from the inside out and its almost like a light bulb caused it. A little girl who looks about 14 is sucking her thumb, wow the director must've been in his early hundreds, it was bad.. I didn't look to see who directed, I really don't care in this case. One other funny thing is how all the workers are being killed off, yet when the doctor goes out he leaves his girl with the remaining woman saying she will be safe there.....uh no buddy she probably will be in more danger there than anywhere else..

Edward Albert wasn't bad, I liked oh man how cheesy, I might wanna rate it higher because its so cheesy I might wanna show it to friends...But no I cant 1 star out of 10.

Review by Arlis Fuson from the Internet Movie Database.