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Galaxy Lords

Galaxy Lords (2017) Movie Poster
USA  •    •  96m  •    •  Directed by: Von Bilka.  •  Starring: Zachary Baker, Von Bilka, Dave Cergizan, Steven Cergizan, T.J. Harris, Harriet Mishoulam, Jim Povolo, Jon Raila, Daniel Underhill..
A mere decade after the Heptigalaxial Cosmic Infinity War, the Kingdom of the Seven Galaxies is once again on the precipice of oblivion. The evil prince ADORASTIUS has escaped his icy incarceration and threatens the universe with the most fantastical yet calamitous power imaginable.


   Length:  Languages:  Subtitles:


Image from: Galaxy Lords (2017)
Image from: Galaxy Lords (2017)
Image from: Galaxy Lords (2017)
Image from: Galaxy Lords (2017)
Image from: Galaxy Lords (2017)
Image from: Galaxy Lords (2017)
Image from: Galaxy Lords (2017)
Image from: Galaxy Lords (2017)
Image from: Galaxy Lords (2017)
Image from: Galaxy Lords (2017)
Galaxy Lords is clearly an homage to late-'70s early-'80s low bud budge sci-fi films, such as the ones made by Roger Corman (Space Raiders, Battle Beyond the Stars). Now, I'm a huge fan of sci-fi in general. And this often includes badly made low budget films. I've watched "2019 - Dopo la caduta di New York" multiple times on VCCV2000 tape in the '80s early '80's (yes there were other video systems beyond VHS and BetaMax) and got a fresh DVD-quality copy about a year ago, so you'll know what I'm talking about.

I'll forgive the bad blue-screen shots, the game-like computer generated environments, the overly clear CGI characters and the awful cardboard cutout stuff for the above reasons. I truly applaud the effort made here.

What makes this truly unwatchable is having to go trough this in crystal clear Full-HD 1080p. Bad '70s '80s movies were shot on either really cheap 35mm or (more often) on low-grade 16mm film and you finally got to watch them on a bad video-transfer. Bad picture quality obfuscated bad effects generating greater suspension of disbelieve (you got to watch '2001 a Space Odyssey' in the same quality as 'Galaxy of Terror').

Had this movie been transferred to poor-quality analogue tape, copied from tape to another re-used tape and then been re-digitized, it would have looked more like an early '80s film to me. I may actually have been willing to finish watching the film then.

Review by gelf-46258 from the Internet Movie Database.