Linkara, his entourage and a few of the Channel Awesome gang go into space to help the non-responsive crew of the first manned exploration of Jupiter. There's something going on out there... and it ain't right. The bland title notwithstanding, I always say, if I was at all into story lines, there's no doubt Lewis does the best ones. That's why I don't stop watching when his videos go in that direction. He masters comic book plotting. This builds on To Boldly Flee, you really have to have watched it and at least some of the show to follow along... and throughout this, I will be comparing the two. As far as movies of Treks to Stars go, this is not just Search for Spock with various Star Wars films thrown in, albeit it does resemble The Motion Picture, and nothing ever should.
This is to a greater extent about people, characters, and they have better arcs. It helps that it greatly limits how many TGWTG people he brought. Well, for the ride itself. Back on Earth, a number of them do get cameos. Their personas are all captured equally as well, and they're both chock full of references to their various fandoms and bodies of work. And this is actually feminist! Every women here has her own voice, is strong, in control of her own life, and isn't an object, heck, isn't sexualized at all. Simply because there's no reason for that to be in this. We have a far scarier, creepier villain, because he's taken seriously.
There are also stronger emotional performances and scenes, that, like the exciting action, is never undercut by an insistence on always being funny. There's depth where you wouldn't think there would be. It gets existentialist. This explores themes of the scope of what's going on, comparing it to their regular lives, and, as per Mr. Lovhaug's deeper stuff, it's smartly written, intelligent, not preachy, honest and self-analyzing. Honestly, especially early on, some of the jokes in this are dry, he left too much of his wit behind in the reviews themselves. Near the end, he joins a select club of especially awesome people. It's faster, more intense. Again we get great, cool FX, make-up and designs. Here, a little of it is pushed to the point where we can tell how they did it. They juggle the many elements well. This comes to a running time of 120 minutes, or 113 if you don't count the end credits.
There is some swearing, violence and disturbing content in this. I recommend this to any fan of those involved.
Review by TBJCSKCNRRQTreviews from the Internet Movie Database.