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C.H.U.D. II - Bud the Chud

C.H.U.D. II - Bud the Chud (1989) Movie Poster
  •  USA  •    •  84m  •    •  Directed by: David Irving.  •  Starring: Brian Robbins, Bill Calvert, Tricia Leigh Fisher, Gerrit Graham, Robert Vaughn, Larry Cedar, Bianca Jagger, Larry Linville, Judd Omen, Jack Riley, Sandra Kerns, Norman Fell, June Lockhart.  •  Music by: Nicholas Pike.
        A couple of teenagers break into a secret government science lab and steal a frozen corpse for a high school prank and accidently awaken the corpes which turns out to be a CHUD, ironically named Bud, who goes on a killing spree and making his victims also canabalistic CHUD's and its up to the teens to stop him.


   Length:  Languages:  Subtitles:


Image from: C.H.U.D. II - Bud the Chud (1989)
Image from: C.H.U.D. II - Bud the Chud (1989)
Image from: C.H.U.D. II - Bud the Chud (1989)
Image from: C.H.U.D. II - Bud the Chud (1989)
Image from: C.H.U.D. II - Bud the Chud (1989)
Image from: C.H.U.D. II - Bud the Chud (1989)
Image from: C.H.U.D. II - Bud the Chud (1989)
Image from: C.H.U.D. II - Bud the Chud (1989)
Image from: C.H.U.D. II - Bud the Chud (1989)
Image from: C.H.U.D. II - Bud the Chud (1989)
Image from: C.H.U.D. II - Bud the Chud (1989)
Image from: C.H.U.D. II - Bud the Chud (1989)
Image from: C.H.U.D. II - Bud the Chud (1989)
Image from: C.H.U.D. II - Bud the Chud (1989)
Image from: C.H.U.D. II - Bud the Chud (1989)
OK do I get to really rip on this thing without having watched all of it? I'm going to anyways. How much of spoiled milk do you need to drink before you know not to drink the rest? I couldn't make it through 10 minutes of this. It was just horrible.

Especially because I liked the original C.H.U.D., quite a bit. I thought the story and effects of the first CHUD to be very nice, and even the acting was pretty decent, despite what other reviewers have said. So imagine my dismay when I started this thing up and the monster has no effects, no gore, no nothing that makes a horror movie a horror movie, nothing even the slightest bit startling. Just a little bit of white powder, some dark powder around the eyes. That's not a CHUD! It's just not. If they wanted to call it some other totally unrelated movie, I would not give it the lowest possible rating. But they didn't, they took a movie i really liked and absolutely trashed it with complete disregard for the tastes of the original's viewers. So they just wanted target audience they knew they otherwise had no chance of getting it. It's just a sucker punch, knowing that some people would get roped into this horrible movie simply because they loved the original so much. C.H.U.D. 1 is still a very popular movie and it really holds up well. Bud the Chud, however, never should have happened. Frankly i think the original holders of the creative content should find a way to sue the current owner until they relinquish all claim to it. Current holder of the creative content amounts to an unfit parent.

I can not understand how the votes or comments are less than horribly negative here. All i can imagine is that I hear of a teacher involved in this production, and I think they have their students in here saying nice comments and voting it up. They will probably vote this review down but it doesn't make it any less true! If you liked the first C.H.U.D., DO NOT WATCH THIS. It actually made me kinda angry. They could have made some really great CHUD sequels but instead we got this bleep.

Maybe its because someone involved in this travesty is a teacher, they were able to abuse that position to attain the rights from the first C.H.U.D, like it was a student project or something? I just don't understand how a movie this bad happens without everyone involved knowing that they're basically scamming people out of their money.

Review by mmmK-Ultra from the Internet Movie Database.