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 USA 1990 91m      Directed by: Craig R. Baxley. Starring: Dolph Lundgren, Brian Benben, Betsy Brantley, Matthias Hues, Jay Bilas, Jim Haynie, David Ackroyd, Sherman Howard, Sam Anderson, Mark Lowenthal, Michael J. Pollard, Jesse Vint, Alex Morris. Music by: Jan Hammer.
Jack Caine is a Houston vice cop who's forgotten the rule book. His self-appointed mission is to stop the drugs trade and the number one supplier Victor Manning. Whilst involved in an undercover operation to entrap Victor Manning, his partner gets killed, and a sinister newcomer enters the scene... Along with F.B.I. agent Lawrence Smith, the two investigate a spate of mysterious deaths; normal non-junkies dying of massive heroin overdoses and bearing the same horrific puncture marks on the forehead. This, coupled with Caine's own evidence, indicates an alien force is present on the streets of Houston, killing and gathering stocks of a rare drug found only in the brain... Caine is used to fighting the toughest of criminals, but up to now they've all been human...
SPOILERS The movie starts off with what looks like a UFO landing on Christmas Eve. Followed by a robbery and explosion of a police station warehouse annex by this group of thugs, disguised as policemen, called "The White Boys". We then turn to this stake out and buy and bust by Huston Det. Turner, Alex Morris, that goes terribly wrong. Turner gets shot to death by the drug dealers as his partner, who's been missing for some eight days, Det. Jack Caine (Dolph Lundgren) lets Turner down by blowing his cover in stopping a nearby liquored store robbery.
All these stories are spliced together in the movie with this drug dealer from outer space, Matthas Hues, who's purpose on earth is to harvest humans! The space alien pumps them up with lethal doses of heroin, that he forcibly takes from local drug dealers, and then drilling a hole in their forehead sucks out these endorphins that the heroin produces by stimulating the pleasure cells in the brain. The alien then sells them as illegal drugs, that would give the person who uses them the high to end all highs, back in his home planet.
The drug dealing alien breaks into the drug hideout where Det. Turner is murdered and takes out all of the "White Boys" with a flying and deadly DVD-like disc. The "White Boys" boss Manning, Howard Smith, running for his life is eh only survivor of this massacre. Caine at first is given a forced vacation by his boss but within seconds placed on the Turner murder case by the intervening FBI. Caine is given a new partner FBI Agent Smith, Brian Benben, who's so by the books and such a fanatical and utterly mindless company man that he doesn't realize what Caine later tells him. That he's considered expandable by the boss Switzer (David Ackroyd), that the shameless and a kissing Smith is so doggedly obedient to. Instead of listening to what Caine tells him Smith has to find it out the hard way.
Caine later in the movie realizes that he's up against something far more dangerous and deadly the the Manning drug gang when he's confronted with the space drug dealer. Who almost finished him off were it not for the intervention of an outer space-like DEA Agent Jay Bilas. Space drug agent Balis had been sent to earth to stop the drug pushing alien from killing countless humans by draining their ultra pleasurable endorphins out of their skulls. After he shoots them up with heroin then pushing the endorphins to drug-additive aliens back on his home planet.
Joining up with the cop alien Caine & Smith now have a handle to what's going on in the string of drug rip-offs of the Manning mob and drug overdoses all over the city.What Caine, or at least Agent Smith, doesn't realize is that their bosses knows about the aliens! And are using them to obtain knowledge of their out of this world weaponry so it can be used by the US military. With the cop alien getting gunned down by the alien drug dealer it's now up to both Caine and Smith, who gets a hold of the cop aliens space gun, to track and gun down the bad space guy and keep him from killing any more people on earth. Which if he's not stopped in time will have thousands of his fellow outer space drug dealers and pushers descend on earth and join him. In his murderous heroin pumping and skull drilling activities.
Hard to take even for an alien from outer space movie. With the aliens looking more like outlaw bikers from a late 1960's Bruce Darn and Jack Nicholson movie then aliens from outer space then anything else. The space gun that both the good and bad alien, and later Agent Smith, uses has enough fire power to knock out a battleship! Yet seems to miss it's target almost 90% of the time. While at the same time destroying and pulverizing almost everything around it. The few times it does connect it's barley able to as much as seriously wound or kill anybody, human or alien, that it's used against.
Review by sol from the Internet Movie Database.