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And You Thought Your Parents Were Weird

And You Thought Your Parents Were Weird (1991) Movie Poster
  •  USA  •    •  92m  •    •  Directed by: Tony Cookson.  •  Starring: Marcia Strassman, Joshua John Miller, Edan Gross, John Quade, Sam Behrens, Alan Thicke, Susan Gibney, A.J. Langer, Gustav Vintas, Eric Walker, Bill Smillie, Robert Clotworthy, Armin Shimerman.  •  Music by: Randy Miller.
        Two boys follow in their late father's footsteps by inventing weird and wonderful gadgets. Trouble lies ahead when, after a Halloween party, the spirit of their father ends up in the latest invention, a robot.


   Length:  Languages:  Subtitles:


Image from: And You Thought Your Parents Were Weird (1991)
Image from: And You Thought Your Parents Were Weird (1991)
Image from: And You Thought Your Parents Were Weird (1991)
Image from: And You Thought Your Parents Were Weird (1991)
Image from: And You Thought Your Parents Were Weird (1991)
Image from: And You Thought Your Parents Were Weird (1991)
Image from: And You Thought Your Parents Were Weird (1991)
Image from: And You Thought Your Parents Were Weird (1991)
Image from: And You Thought Your Parents Were Weird (1991)
Image from: And You Thought Your Parents Were Weird (1991)
Image from: And You Thought Your Parents Were Weird (1991)
Josh and Max Carson are young inventors, following in their late father's footsteps. Their father had supposidly killed himself two years ago and now Josh and Max were trying to perfect their latest creation: a robot. They soon go to the Junior Inventor Awards where they present their invention: a device that transports garbage cans to the curb for senior citizens and other disabled individuals. They were tied with Dwayne Kotzwinkle whose invention was a device that sucked up tennis balls to relieve back aches. Josh and Max won. They would use their $1,000 prize on perfecting Newman, what Max named their robot. Reporter Alice was very interested in the boys. Josh and Max gave half their money to their mother, Sarah, then set out to by all the parts for the robot and learn that $500 doesn't buy that much. They then head to their last resort: Kotzwinkle and Son Salvage. They barter with Walter Kotzwinkle and finally have all the equipment they need and they begin to reconstruct Newman using parts from a television set, vacuum cleaner, desk lamp, tin bowl, video cameras and such. On Halloween, Josh attends his friend Beth's Halloween party and she shows him a game called Ouija where spirits from the Beyond can communicate with the living. It seemed as though Josh's father tried to communicate with him but Josh thought it all a hoax. But something funny happened that night. Matt Carson's spirit sailed down from Heaven and settled in Newman's body.

Josh brings Beth over to show her Newman and to her as well as his surprise, Newman performs perfectly--with a little help from Matt. He tells the boys what was up and how he got in there. Alice the reporter was still determined to get a story out of the Carsons so she stopped by unannounced one afternoon and snooped around. Josh and Max show Sarah the robot. She didn't know it was Matt inside. Matt began showing off and later told Josh and Max how he died. It wasn't suicide, he tried to miss a skunk in the road and just didn't see that cliff coming. And the reason he was depressed was that someone stole the prototype to a computer he built. He had an idea who it was. Alice sets up a video camera and tapes Sarah and Newman and her editor wants to air it so pretty soon the entire neighborhood lined up at the Carson's doorstep. To make matters worse, Alice had interviewed Max on the robot earlier and he told her everything, probably because she bribed him with a bike. Alice tried to apologize but the Carsons wanted nothing to do with her anymore but Matt felt they should give her a chance.

With Matt's help, Josh and Max got the Newman program to work and he performed splendidly--after breaking several juice glasses. Alice had two robotic specialists from Texas, Henry Kilbrandt and Mike Abbot, come see Newman for themselves. Mike had Newman extract a pen from his coat pocket which he performed fantastically. Without Matt's help! Henry declared they must have Newman so they could open him up and study him. Josh and Max said that was out of the question so Henry left his card. Unfortunately, Dwayne Kotzwinkle overheard Josh and Beth talking about Newman at school so he told his father who told their associate, Mr. Jaeger. He told them to capture the robot and bring it to him so that night, Walter and Dwayne sneak into the Carsons and capture Newman. He tries to escape but they stop him and open him up. The Carsons, along with Sarah's fianceé Steve rush to the Kotzwinkles' and stop them. Soon the police arrive and take Walter, Dwayne and Jaeger to jail. Soon, Matt felt it was time for him to go back. He called Henry Kilbrandt to come over and Josh and Beth contacted Albert Einstein to help Matt get home. He said he would be back...In some form or other. Then he bid the family a farewell and returned to Heaven. The Carson family lived happily ever after.

A pretty good film. A good idea! Cast: Marcia Strassman (Honey, I Shrunk the Kids) is Sarah Carson, Joshua Miller (Halloween III: Season of the Witch) is Josh, Edan Gross (Child's Play, voice of good Chucky) is Max, Eric Walker (The Ewok Adventure) is Dwayne and Alan Thicke (Betrayal of the Dove) is the voice of MattNewman. This movie has comedy, drama, science fiction, adventure, all the things a good movie should have. The kids will love it, adults will get a kick out of it. It fire the imagination. So in conclusion, if you're into comedydrama sci-fiadventure films then And You Thought Your Parents Were Weird is for you!!

Review by from the Internet Movie Database.


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