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Extinction (2015) Movie Poster
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  •  Spain / USA / Hungary / France  •    •  112m  •    •  Directed by: Miguel Ángel Vivas.  •  Starring: Matthew Fox, Jeffrey Donovan, Quinn McColgan, Valeria Vereau, Clara Lago, Eduardo Fedriani, Matt Devere, Alex Hafner, Jeremy Wheeler, Katharine Bubbear, Daniel Bargueño, Orsolya Bene, Lili Bordán.  •  Music by: Sergio Moure.
        Nine years after an infection turns most of the humanity into rabid creatures, Patrick, Jack and Lu, a nine-year-old girl, survive in seeming peace and calm in the forgotten snow-covered town of Harmony. We nonetheless sense that something terrible happened between Patrick and Jack because a deep hate keeps them apart. When the infected appear again, Patrick and Jack will have to leave behind all rancor to protect the one being who means more to them than anything else.


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Image from: Extinction (2015)
Image from: Extinction (2015)
Image from: Extinction (2015)
Image from: Extinction (2015)
Image from: Extinction (2015)
Image from: Extinction (2015)
Image from: Extinction (2015)
Image from: Extinction (2015)
Image from: Extinction (2015)
Image from: Extinction (2015)
Image from: Extinction (2015)
Image from: Extinction (2015)
Image from: Extinction (2015)
Yeah but unlike some of the others out there this one was really vague on what it was about. We kept getting fed little crumbs of backstory but never enough to know why or how the zombies came to be and we never got to know exactly what the backstory was in the love triangle. And when it ends you aren't really sure where they end up nor do you know if they are finally safe nor do you know if they are planning on trying to find other people. It just ends with them staring at the sun. It's a real head scratcher.

Let's break this down shall we? So in the beginning two busloads full of people are being transported by the military somewhere (not sure exactly where or why but moving on) the first bus stops abruptly and the bus behind it (carrying the main characters) starts to get uneasy. Two soldiers get off the second bus in succession after failing to get anyone from the first bus to respond to them via walkie talkie. The first soldier never comes back and the second soldier gets attacked by a zombie. Now here's the part where a logical person might start to panic slightly and decide they should maybe think about taking off in the bus in order to avoid the fate that has befallen the first bus and the two'd think that right? Well not these folks. They just stay on the bus and wait for one passenger (Jeffrey Donovan) to venture outside to get the soldier's guns. He gets attacked and still no one does anything. They wait until the zombies start breaking into the bus to begin their panic. And even then they're just kind of waiting their turn to get attacked. No one tries to escape until it's basically too late. Some folks do get out but instead of running away they just kind of stand around and wait to get attacked.

Jeffrey Donovan (who was so good in Burn Notice but in this movie basically just stands around a lot with his mouth open) Matthew Fox (who hasn't done anything since 2015-what happened to him?!) and Valeria Vereau (who is Matthew's wife? Girlfriend? Not sure) who is holding a baby that we find out later is Matthew's, were on the second bus until all hell breaks loose (how they all came to be on that bus together or how they all know one another is never revealed). They manage to get away but while Valeria is hiding she gets bit by a zombie. Matthew and Jeffrey show up (which where were they up until that point?! Why didn't they stick together?!) and they realize that Valeria has been bitten. In flashbacks later we see that she survived after Matthew cut off her infected arm.

Next thing we see is the screen telling us it's 9 years later. We see snowy terrain and come to find out that Matthew lives next door to Jeffrey who is now raising Matthew's daughter (Quinn McColgen who I realized after the movie was over basically carried the film and out acted the two seasoned vets and this speaks to how bad Matthew & Jeffrey were because Quinn wasn't exactly turning in an Oscar winning performance) Even though they are the only people they know who are alive they don't speak to one another. Through flashbacks we find out that Matthew is a drunk (Why? That's not explained either) who gets angry with Valeria because I'm guessing she slept with Jeffrey? He walks out on her while she's trying to talk to him about the situation while they are at a warehousestore loading up on groceries (which miraculously has enough food to last them the past 9 years). She gets in the truck after Matthew abandons her and a zombie attacks and kills her.

Next we see Matthew on the floor drinking and Jeffrey comes into the room. The baby is crying from neglect and Matthew asks what happened. Jeffrey tells him that he left Valeria and now she's dead and also he's taking the baby because Matthew has failed to take care of her.

Now a normal person would at some point take their child back or try to interact with it somehow but not Matthew. He just lets Jeffrey take his daughter and never once tried to make amends or get her back even though they live right next door to one another. Matthew can't take care of his daughter but he has a dog he's awfully fond of-we aren't told how he came to have this's just there.

One day when Matthew is making a food run he comes upon a zombie who tries to attack him. He gets away but the zombie follows him. He crashes his snowmobile and the zombie attacks him but he manages to stave it off. He gets back on his mobile and heads back home while giving the alert to Jeffrey by shooting his gun. Jeffrey comes out and sees Matthew get attacked yet again and raises his gun to shoot yet ultimately doesn't. Matthew's dog comes outta nowhere and tries to get the zombie away from Matthew but alas the dog gets bit and dies. Jeffrey does nothing. Matthew is distraught.

Matthew doesn't turn into a zombie after getting bit and he somehow heals but he starts hearing a man talk to him through the radio and the man encourages him to kill Jeffrey. It was very confusing because that was never explained. Is he starting to hear voices because he got bit? Why did he stop hearing the voices after a certain point? That really needed more explanation.

After some time passes Quinn invites Matthew over for dinner. Jeffrey seems to be OK with this and they seem to come to some type of detente during the meal; but then Jeffrey changes his mind and says it was a bad idea and tells Matthew to leave.

Eventually they decide they have to work together to get through this second wave of zombies coming through. Matthew says that he thinks he can get a truck to work so they can try to leave to find others (which I was thinking "So you had nine years of your truck just sitting there but NOW all of a sudden you think you can get it to work?!" That was another miracle especially because it just shows them getting into the truck and Matthew starting it - you don't see him working on it...nothing-it's just been sitting there in the freezing cold and starts right up like a champ.) They all go into town and while there they see a woman in distress. She's in shock so they take her back to their house and discover she's pregnant. She tells them that she was with her family but they were attacked by the zombies and she got away.

Next thing you know the zombies are starting to attack their house. They all get their guns and Jeffrey tells the daughter to go in the basement (which in hindsight was a really dumb idea because while she was down there she almost got attacked by a zombie that somehow made its way into the basement and also why did the basement have so much water in it?)

They realize they're not going to be able to fight off all the zombies so Matthew tells them that he will provide a distraction so they can get away-thus sacrificing himself to which Jeffrey offers no resistance (I mean really dude?! That's the child's father and you were having an affair with your friend's wife but hey whatever just let HIM be the one to die and don't try to stop him) but not before there's a flashback scene of Matthew with his wife kissing her pregnant belly and saying how he couldn't wait to meet the daughter). After leading the zombies away he lights a fuse and blows up the area. He dies with a smile on his face.

Jeffrey, the pregnant lady and the daughter all get away. They stop after awhile and get out of the truck and stand looking out at the sun over a valley of God knows what...we don't know if they have found another village of people, we don't know if they're just looking at the sun before they continue on their journey, we don't know if the zombies are all gone now, we don't know anything.

And that's it. I don't even know if I can say this had potential or that it was good in parts because Matthew & Jeffrey were terrible in this.

Zombie movies are stupid in general but this is definitely one that you should avoid. It's a long slog through this one too...takes forever for anything to happen or be interesting. All that for no payoff in the end. This movie must have shamed Matthew Fox so much he had to quit Hollywood because he hasn't done anything since 2015. Maybe the zombies got him after all? Too bad they didn't take Jeffrey with them.

Review by apryla-58795 from the Internet Movie Database.


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