JUNGLEGROUND is an action vehicle for wrestling star Roddy Piper, the man who shot to cult fame with his role in John Carpenter's superlative THEY LIVE. This one was shot in Canada on a low budget which doesn't stop it from depicting a convincing run-down city full of post-apocalyptic stylings and the like. The plot is another variant on the old 'hunting humans' theme as done in the likes of THE RUNNING MAN and HARD TARGET, and there's absolutely nothing here that hasn't been done better elsewhere.
Nonetheless, this is a fun film, and B-movie lovers will find it a treat. The villains are over the top goons while Piper pulls out the stops by using his wrestling moves on various one-on-one bouts with henchmen; there are throws and clotheslines galore. The first half of the story is all set up, but once we get to the action-dominated second half this doesn't disappoint, and it certainly delivers the goods for action fans.
Review by Leofwine_draca from the Internet Movie Database.