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Cyborg Cop III

Cyborg Cop III (1995) Movie Poster
  •  USA  •    •  94m  •    •  Directed by: Yossi Wein.  •  Starring: Bryan Genesse, Frank Zagarino, Ian Roberts, Steven Rymer, Tyrone Stevenson, Hal Orlandini, Lynne White, Jenny McShane, Jaques Marais, Jurgen Hellberg, Justin Illusion, Martin Le Maitre, Michael Brunner.  •  Music by: Sam Sklair.
        A cop tries to stop a scientist's experiments to turn students into cyborg-mercenaries.


Image from: Cyborg Cop III (1995)
Image from: Cyborg Cop III (1995)
Image from: Cyborg Cop III (1995)
Image from: Cyborg Cop III (1995)
Image from: Cyborg Cop III (1995)
Image from: Cyborg Cop III (1995)
Image from: Cyborg Cop III (1995)
Image from: Cyborg Cop III (1995)
A corporation called Deltatech Inc. is manufacturing cyborgs- when a reporter starts snooping around they decide to silence her. She asks Max and Saint- two federal marshals- to help. Doesn't sound so bad, does it? Maybe not, but this really is a bad movie. The acting and plot are poor. There are plenty of failed attempts at humour in this movie- the so-called "federal marshals" are two jokers who survive all the gunfire and explosions. We have to survive the bad jokes and incredibly dumb lines in the screenplay like the "discussion" about putting insect DNA into humans so that they can withstand radioactivity. The title "Cyborg Cop III" is totally meaningless- none of the cops in this movie is a cyborg. There are one or two moderately interesting action scenes, but they're nothing special. Don't waste time on this.

Review by Karthik Abhiram from the Internet Movie Database.