Canada 2015 93m Directed by: Mike Donis, Jason Leaver, Navin Ramaswaran. Starring: Mike Donis, Saffron Cassaday, Sandra DaCosta, Shawn Devlin, Chelsey Marie, Ash Catherwood, Jamie Elizabeth Sampson, Robert Nolan, Dani Barker, Bobby Bonner, Brian Scott Carleton, Matthew Carvery, Alex Chung. Music by: Aaron Tsang.
Armed with laser guns and wit, Pete Winning and his rag-tag crew navigate a flooded earth in the not-too-distant future. Braving mutants, pirates and the seas, they search for the self-crowned evil Queen's coveted maps of the new world.
I like schlock as much as the next guy. Love a good, humorous schlock movie. But there is a certain level of expectation-- which this film falls short of in all counts.
From the squeaky-voice lead character to the incoherent plot to ridiculous script-- this takes all the fun out of schlock. The lines are terrible (not funny terrible, just terrible), and it totally lacks in all concept of common sense. Okay, you're out to sea, boarded by "bad guys" from another ship, whom you overcome after they've put holes in your boat. So what do you do... take their ship right? No, you risk losing all the crew by swimming to shore in shark-infested waters. And how did they overcome the bad guys? Because despite having multi-fire laser pistols, it seems the only thing the bad guys can hit is the broadside of a boat! Seriously?
This is one of the worst movies I've seen outside of something with "cheerleader", "barbarian" or "graveyard" in the title. I have no idea how it won awards in anything outside of Raspberries. Honestly... has the film-viewing community been totally brainwashed by Transformer movies? .
Review by Snootz from the Internet Movie Database.