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Aurora (1998) Movie Poster
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USA  •    •  87m  •    •  Directed by: Christopher Kulikowski.  •  Starring: Christopher Stapleton, Michael Otis, David Jean Thomas, Christopher Heltai, Markus Botnick, Micheal DiMaggio, Ted Wycech, Newcomb Barger, Colin Whelan, Miguel Rueda.  •  Music by: Stephen Melillo.
       In the 22nd century, seven explorers set out on a mission to earth's nearest sister planet, AURORA. Their mission - to survey and explore for future colonization. When their ship suddenly malfunctions, the crew is forced to crash land on the planet's surface, where crippling heat, poisonous water, and fierce storms threaten their lives at every turn. With a handful of supplies and little hope of rescue, their only option is a grueling four hundred mile trek to their ship's lost supply bunkers. To survive, the men will have to push their endurance to the limit and entrust their lives to a leader who will risk everything to succeed, no matter what the consequences.


Image from: Aurora (1998)
Image from: Aurora (1998)
Image from: Aurora (1998)
Image from: Aurora (1998)
Image from: Aurora (1998)
Image from: Aurora (1998)
Image from: Aurora (1998)
Image from: Aurora (1998)
Okay, seems like there's been a broad range of comments on this little indie. First, I caught the film (on DVD), while visiting a friend in London. As far as low, low, micro budget films go, Aurora wasn't bad. Granted, the film doesn't have ILM quality effects (not even close with this one), but it was nice to see a film with some heart and character.

The direction was good, the novice cast, fair to really good. The cinematography and music, very nicely done! Now for those looking for a slop cut Armageddon kinda experience, Aurora is NOT FOR YOU! The film takes its time to develope. Its more in line with 2001: A Space Odyssey set in the desert. So, if you're looking for hyper speed and fast cuts, stay away, you'll be bored. For me, I really dug this movie and the peoplecharacters in it.

Review by monkeyfilm-1 from the Internet Movie Database.