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Emmanuelle, Queen of the Galaxy

Emmanuelle, Queen of the Galaxy (1994) Movie Poster
  •  USA  •    •  95m  •    •  Directed by: Lev L. Spiro.  •  Starring: Krista Allen, Paul Michael Robinson, Tiendra Demian, Reginald Chevalier, Hu Beaumont, Bill Rojas, Brett Wagner, Neil Delama, Robert Drake, Carl Ferro, Jonathon Breck, Timothy Di Pri, Sun Yung Gai..
    Emmanuelle has been chosen by a group of space travelers to teach them about love, and human sexuality. Emmanuelle takes the aliens to such places as Las Vegas, Egypt, and Asia to teach them the wonders about sexuality. While doing this she forms a bond with the leader, Haffron, who falls in love with her.


Image from: Emmanuelle, Queen of the Galaxy (1994)
Image from: Emmanuelle, Queen of the Galaxy (1994)
Image from: Emmanuelle, Queen of the Galaxy (1994)
Image from: Emmanuelle, Queen of the Galaxy (1994)
Image from: Emmanuelle, Queen of the Galaxy (1994)
Is there any genre that's more pointless than soft-core porn? If there is i don't want to know about it. Softcore porn combines all the horrors of porn (lousy production values, abominable acting, crappy scripts) with the coyness of sex-scenes in regular movies. So the end result is arousing nor entertaining. This movie also has the rather odd approach of a science-fiction setting, and it works horribly. All the sex is performed in some sort of virtual reality setting where the crew from the future learn about physical love. And yes, it's about as confused and silly as it sounds.

But there has to be some positive points though, right? Well, there is one... Krista Allen is amazingly hot. That's about the only thing that was less than awful in this movie. I don't know what it is about her, but she has an amazing sex appeal. The rest of the cast look like the standard porn-cast though. Rather unattractive women with poorly done fake breasts, and men that have spent far too much time in the gym toning themselves grotesque. Probably a gym in Germany as well judging by haircuts and clothing.

To sum things up. If you enjoy Krista Allens presence on screen you can watch this for the brief moments where she shows some of her seductive potential (most of the time she tries to articulate crappy lines of dialog though). If you don't enjoy Krista Allen then you might as well stay away altogether.

I rate this 1010 for Krista Allens sex appeal, 110 for everything else and 210 for entertainment value since this is a unique crappy pornscience fiction hybrid that's not really like anything i've ever seen.

Review by Antagonisten from the Internet Movie Database.