I have seen this piece of excrement only once, but as with everyone else who saw it the memory will remain with me for ever. This was screened late one night here in the UK and I swear to you even the continuity announcer of the station was laughing and apologising in advance for what they were about to show. Take the best bits of Alien, Space 1999 and Star Trek, combine them into one movie and then throw that away, because it sure as hell wont be needed in this complete waste of celluloid.
Ploughing the age-old furrow started by such classics as 'The Thing from another World' and 'It, The terror from beyond space' we have a group of people trapped in a confined space with a killer they know nothing about. One by one they go off by themselves and get murdered before they finally figure out what's actually going on and try to take action. At this point I should tell you there's a spoiler ahead, but that's a redundant phrase where this crummy movie is concerned. The killers turn out to be small boulders, which chase our heroes around their portacabin village on strings and suck the very talent from them. I laughed my ass off.
This is a really bad movie, but if you can see past the moon boots, Space 1999 apparel and bad acting you will be rewarded by the stupidest alien monsters ever. So bad it's funny, but then again I've watched so many terrible movies now that maybe my taste may be a little warped. Well, you wont know until you watch it.
Review by Kenny Mitchell from the Internet Movie Database.