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Omicron (1963) Movie Poster
Italy  •    •  102m  •    •  Directed by: Ugo Gregoretti.  •  Starring: Renato Salvatori, Rosemary Dexter, Gaetano Quartararo, Mara Carisi, Ida Serasini, Calisto Calisti, Dante Di Pinto.  •  Music by: Piero Umiliani.
        An alien takes over the body of an Earthman in order to learn about the planet so his race can take it over.


Image from: Omicron (1963)
Image from: Omicron (1963)
Image from: Omicron (1963)
Image from: Omicron (1963)
Image from: Omicron (1963)
Image from: Omicron (1963)
Image from: Omicron (1963)
Image from: Omicron (1963)
I don't remember very much about this movie any more, unfortunately, but I do remember that it was very imaginative & funny with the main character running around all revved up. I saw it after it was recommended by several friends. It was quite a cult item in the '60s. I still think 10th Victim, also a 1960s Italian Sci Fi movie, is the best S-F movie ever made.

Review by inframan from the Internet Movie Database.