In the time of Godzilla and Mothra, there was a weekly tv series that crossed the Oceans and landed in America. We know it as "Ultra Man" and I can tell you, this series was magic to the kids on my block.
Back in the mid-sixties, a cigar company put out a cigar that was enclosed in a thin glass covering. Every child I know wanted that glass covering because it WAS the "beta capsule" that would summon "Ultra Man" to Earth to save the World from Giant Monsters who wanted to do nothing but destroy us!!!!
The story sorta goes like this.... The "Science Patrol" was on a routine mission with Hyata who got into an accident. He was saved and given this "beta capsule" to hold up to the sun to call for Ultra Man to help them against these monsters that would be out to destroy us. (I know I'm missing stuff, but come on, I was five years old when I saw it!!!!)
The thing about Ultra-Man was that he could only spend a few minutes on our planet before he lost his super power, so he HAD to defeat the monsters in a few minutes or die! Also, Hyata was not around when Ultra Man was either so that left some skepticism with his fellow Science Patrol Hyata..or isn't he? Drama! Sure -- you will see the zipper in the back of Ultra-Man's suit and the rubber Monsters are to die for...but please, have an imagination! This was cool stuff back then! And I am sure you'll laugh about it now. So go out and get a copy!
I adored Ultra Man for the fight scenes of course, and for wondering if Ultra Man would make it back in time or his power would run out before saving the earth of these monsters. This, the original Ultra-Man is the grand-daddy of them all. This is fun, it's dated by this time, but still well worth watching if you can get a hold of it. Accept no imitations. Ultra-Man was our 60's weekly dose of "Godzilla".....with a heart and human. He was our karate kickin' superhero we all wanted to act out in play-time for fun.
Review by lambiepie-2 from the Internet Movie Database.