Greece 1980 101m      Directed by: Dimis Dadiras. Starring: Kostas Voutsas, Nikos Tsoukas, Mary Vidali, Giorgos Siskos, Koulis Stoligas, Dimitris Piatas, Antonis Papadopoulos, Anestis Vlahos, Aliki Kamineli, Paris Labrakos, Nikos Kapios, Kostas Floratos, Antonis Liotsis. Music by: Giorgos Hatzinasios.
Kotsis (Voutsas Costas) is on the verge of bankruptcy when he is unexpected abducted by aliens and transported to the planet Kronioum.
One of the worst flms Voutsas ever made.Just for collectors.Shame for Stoligkas too at the end of his career he made bad options to work with.
Review by apararas from the Internet Movie Database.