USA 2017 101m      Directed by: Vincent Tran, Riyaana Hartley. Starring: Pooja Batra, Constance Brenneman, Cindy Chu, Ava Cantrell, Gene Farber, Idrees Degas, Braeden Baade, Jamie Ann Burke, Rich Paul, Clint Jung, Sabina Stybnarova, Lindsay Heath, Riyaana Hartley. Music by: Isabelle Engman-Bredvik, Gerardo Garcia Jr..
Astronaut Kathryn Voss, sole survivor of a disastrous space shuttle mission, is a distraught mother desperate to reunite with her terminally ill daughter but becomes a wanted fugitive after discovering she possesses an extraordinary gift.
The complaining about acting is exaggerated at the very least. The actors do their job, sure, the secondary roles actors are not the best one, but they are not the important characters. The mother, daughter and father are the most important, and all three actors get the job done.
The story is nice too, I preferred watching this than a crappy XXXmillions of $ X-Men Apocalypse which was mediocre at best (the acting in that movie for half the cast was poor at best, half of what is left were kind of searching what the hell their characters were doing there or how to play them. Poor movie.) not to mention poor acting for a very high budget film. One Under the Sun might not have the best secondary role actors you can get, but what do you expect from a movie that did not have half a billion of dollars in budget? The directing is alright, it does not have mistakes like, oh say, X- Men 3 with newbie errors that made that big budget movie look as if it was directed by an amateur instead of a professional, not to mention having the biggest crap of a script that existed in super hero movies at that time (Iron Man 2, Suicide Squad and X-Men Apocalypse were worse than that movie with their own flaws since then).
The story is touching and will reach anyone who has someone in their family, especially someone young, who is very sick, maybe even terminally ill. The story is also one of hope and is in the same angle as Eye Origin and Caotica Ana, hope that there is something beyond death. Which is why we only have one god left, and it is the God of Death since it is the only thing that we are still afraid of and cannot explain what and if something comes after death. This movie gives hope and also shows the dedication of a mother, how far she will go and what she could do for her own child.
I really love the fact that there is no bang-bang! pow-pow! in the movie like other so called "science-fiction" movie like any of the Independence Days which are more action movies than anything else. The Arrival of Mr. Villeneuve, well that is what a real science-fiction movie should look like, although I am certain that better (and worse) movies can be done, it is still an excellent one that I have already watched three times.
One Under the Sun is a movie that you watch if you do not need "action" scenes (bang-bang! pow-pow!-like) and are looking more at a more intelligent form of entertainment. For example, you prefer NCIS with its more intelligent scenarios over NCIS- Los Angeles which is mostly bang-bang! Pow-pow! scenarios. That is okay, it is there for the masses while New Orleans' and the original cast are for a more refined audience. I see One Under the Sun like NCIS and NCIS New Orleans, something for the above average cinephile.
Sure, it has flaws, but they do not have hundreds of millions like that X-Men 3 or Apocalypse ones where there is absolutely no excuses for having poor acting performance, poor direction and mediocre scripts. One Under the Sun does its best with the budget and actors it got, the importance in a movie is the story and how it is told, many people forgot about that. Who complained about the acting performance of your mother or father (or anyone else) who told you stories when you were a kid? No one, because the story was what was important. So don't complain on acting unless it is truly horrible like Sophie Turner in the role of Jean Grey, that was poor acting. She should leave the super hero roles to the professionals, she sucks at that. She was there just because of Game of Thrones, if it were not for that, she would have never gotten the role. The original actress in X- Men 1 and 2 (3 too but I don't count that horrible movie) was a really good super hero as Jean Grey and had good chemistry on the screen with the other actors and actresses for example unlike Miss Turner. And there was no reason to have poor acting in such a big budget movie. Again, don't expect 5-star acting performance here, the importance in One Under the Sun is the story, and to me, it was well told and could please to many who takes their time to understand it.
This movie is not an artistic movie like Melancholia with Kirsten Dunst and Kiefer Sutherland, which I recommend for anyone who is looking for something else than your usual Hollywoodian films, but it has a little touch of art in it still. You can feel that the writer(s) and the director tried to do something more than your usual "hollytrash" or "ameritrash" movies like some people say.
I only recommend this movie to the above average cinephile, those who content themselves with bang-bang! pow-pow! movies, stay away from it, you will probably get bored quite quickly.
Review by patrickkemner from the Internet Movie Database.