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Human Beeing, The

Human Beeing, The (2002) Movie Poster
USA  •    •  45m  •    •  Directed by: Tony Shea.  •  Starring: Jim Coughlin, Andy Abramowicz, Ronit Feinglass Plank, John Varga, Eric Hoffman, Meredith Weiner, Colin Harper Plank, Robert Rudolf Ruchti, Crosby Poston, Sarah Fowler, Jennifer Calderon, Monica Cameron, Susana Chavez.  •  Music by: Robert Hoehn.
     A mad scientist concocts a human-bee hybrid for the purpose of replacing the all-human work force of a typing company.


Image from: Human Beeing, The (2002)
When this project was announced in May, 2000, Ricky Martin and Natalie Portman were mentioned as possible stars. Set in 1959 Havana, this is the story of a lonely 17-year-old American girl who moves to Cuba in the days right before the Revolution. No, wait...that's Havana Nights: Dirty Dancing 2.

"The Human BEEing" is a smart, sleek, comedic gem. Looking at the movie poster (which does not feature the film's hero), this movie appears to be a straight-ahead spooky-thing-around-the-corner movie. But when you watch it, you immediately experience a monstrously crazy tribute to 50's-60's horror flicks. The bold choice to film in black-n-white shows how much the director-producer team of Plank & Shea believed in this project.

The introduction by the films "producer", played by Chicago-trained comedian Andy Abramowicz, sets the tone of the film. Sharp, dry, well-paced, intelligent comedy that makes you laugh almost by reflex.

Everyone in the cast sells their lines with the passion they deserve. In an era where comic timing is becoming a lost art, the cast delivers the punches smoothly and always in-character.

Estetically intriguing, "The Human BEEing" takes you on a 45-minute ride into the past. The brilliant cinematography and crisp editing are a shining tribute to the job of Producer, Colin Plank, who assembled a cast and crew talented enough to stand toe-to-toe with the big-budget crews.

First time Director, Tony Shea, gives us something to think, talk & argue about. He delivers a mature, reverent comedy which wonders what our importance 'is' in the universe...ignites our imagination & curiosity, and inspires us to dig for insights.

Review by bjmckay87 from the Internet Movie Database.