USA 2002 55m Directed by: Jacques Boyreau. Starring: Kate Birrell, Pandemonium, Jacques Boyreau, Scott Moffett, James Patrio, Chuck Mignacco, Phil Mauro, Brian Saxsenmeier, Patrick Fisher, Amy Doan, Chelesa Perry, Lynda Atkins, Paige White. Music by: Billy D. Bates, Brian Hock.
In the future, mankind is on the verge of extinction because of various biological mishaps. An expedition is sent to outer space to look for a planet with life forms that are "seedable". The ship lands on a planet that turns out to be populated by hot chicks in latex, who capture the crew. Complications ensue.
This is the brief story of a bunch of male space explorers looking for women to impregnate before they are no longer able to have children. Somehow they end up on a planet where they are captured and chatter as women in latex clothing fight each other and roll around on the floor to really bad music. I can't say more than that because there really isn't much more to it than that. (There may have been but I stopped caring) Can we say cheap? Can we say shot on video badness? Can we please have an Ed Wood film, or better yet Orgy of the Dead where the women were at least topless? Could we please have anything perhaps even a large rusted needle to poke out my eyes? This set bound disaster is billed as being in the style of Barbarella. Say what you will that had a plot, and acting, and something approaching other than a bad TV talk show style set. This is awful.
Should you be stupid enough to actually watch this you may want to be warned of the use of about ten or fifteen seconds of hardcore sex appearing during the solarized entrance from the desert to the blue bubble. Its off to one side of the screen and would not be really noticeable except the video effect only partially obscures it and so its the only thing you can really see.I had to go back to see what it was since it seemed out of place. Its not a reason to pick this up, but parents who intend to destroy their children's minds by showing this film to them may be offended, I was bored.
Simply one of the worst piles of dog waste ever made.
Review by dbborroughs from the Internet Movie Database.