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Evil Aliens

Evil Aliens (2005) Movie Poster
  •  UK  •    •  93m  •    •  Directed by: Jake West.  •  Starring: Emily Booth, Jamie Honeybourne, Sam Butler, Jodie Shaw, Peter O'Connor, Nick Smithers, Norman Lovett, Christopher Adamson, Jennifer Evans, Mark Richard Hayes, Chris Thomas, Scott Joseph, Mildred Von Heildegard.  •  Music by: Richard Wells.
        The sensationalist reporter Michelle Fox presents the TV show Weird World, with phony matters about UFOS and aliens. When she hears about Cat, a young woman that claims that have been abducted with her boyfriend and become pregnant by aliens, she convinces her chief to travel with a team to the remote Welsh island of Scalled to interview Cat. She invites the cameraman Ricky Anderson with his sound technician partner; the nerd expert in ''ufology'' and ''ley lines'' Gavin Gorman; the actress Candy Vixen and an obscure gay actor to prepare the matter. They get a van and wait for the low tide to reach the island, and when they find evidences that aliens are really landed in the location, the ambitious Michelle decides to film her way to fame and wealth.


   Length:  Languages:  Subtitles:


Image from: Evil Aliens (2005)
Image from: Evil Aliens (2005)
Image from: Evil Aliens (2005)
Image from: Evil Aliens (2005)
Image from: Evil Aliens (2005)
Image from: Evil Aliens (2005)
Image from: Evil Aliens (2005)
Image from: Evil Aliens (2005)
Image from: Evil Aliens (2005)
Image from: Evil Aliens (2005)
Image from: Evil Aliens (2005)
Image from: Evil Aliens (2005)
Image from: Evil Aliens (2005)
Image from: Evil Aliens (2005)
Image from: Evil Aliens (2005)
Image from: Evil Aliens (2005)
Image from: Evil Aliens (2005)
Image from: Evil Aliens (2005)
Image from: Evil Aliens (2005)
Image from: Evil Aliens (2005)
but nowhere near deserving the cult status that some might claim for it, "Evil Aliens" manages to merit a cheap viewing, although preferably the cheaper the better. Would-be auteur Jake West, who apparently wants to be Britain's answer to Peter Jackson (or more likely someone on the level of Uwe Boll) has blessed the world of cinema with yet another splatter comedy. The focus this time is on (what else?) contact with extra-terrestrials with a decidedly hostile bent, who mostly wear cut-rate Predator costumes, fly around in (surprisingly effective) CGI spaceships that draw power from the Earth's magnetic field (I think) and are controlled by a large, unprotected brain (presumably alien, but who knows?) A small band of low-rent actors make up the erstwhile heroes (and alien fodder) who end up defeating this menace after numerous gooey encounters of the worst kind.

This is one of those films that I find very frustrating. At times shot quite beautifully by West conspirator Jim Solan, "Evil Aliens" intermittently looks as cheap as anything shot by an eager film student in his or her backyard. The sfx range from nauseating realism to cartoonish absurdity, slopping back and forth almost willy-nilly. The acting is pedestrian at best, but mostly embarrassing. West's direction is haphazard and mostly ineffective, but that comes as little surprise given the quality of his script (which is to say, debatable).

I've seen much worse in my day, and I've certainly seen better. One need only look at any of the truly classic lo-fi films ("Night of the Living Dead" and "The Evil Dead" spring instantly to mind) to see what a good script and acting that transcends amateurism can do. "Evil Aliens," though stuffed with homages to other films of its ilk (mostly others that are vastly superior), falls flat on its face in terms of "memorable." In aping and referencing identifiable genre favorites, "Evil Aliens" fails to establish any identity of its own.

Most certainly, I couldn't rate it higher than a "5" since it's quite obviously sub-par, little more than an adequate time-killer for genre fans and insomniacs with a strong stomach for grue. If Mr. West actually had any sort of reputation, I'd have to rate "Evil Aliens" lower, if only to help differentiate it from similar films that still manage to transcend themselves with above-average talent and vision. Mr. West may yet have a good film in him, somewhere, but "Evil Aliens" wasn't it.

Review by MrGKB from the Internet Movie Database.


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Mar 9 2016, 16:48
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