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Lucia (2013) Movie Poster
India  •    •  135m  •    •  Directed by: Pawan Kumar.  •  Starring: Sathish Neenasam, Sruthi Hariharan, Achyuth Kumar, Sabreen Baker, Pawan Kumar, Ram Manjjonaath, Rishab Shetty.  •  Music by: Poornachandra Tejaswi.
      An usher at a decrepit cinema suffers from insomnia. His life changes when he starts getting weird and wonderful dreams but with a caveat. Set in the teeming young metropolis that is Bangalore, the film is a turbulent ride where the lines between dreams and reality are blurred to delirious effect.


   Length:  Languages:  Subtitles:


Image from: Lucia (2013)
Image from: Lucia (2013)
Image from: Lucia (2013)
Image from: Lucia (2013)
Image from: Lucia (2013)
Image from: Lucia (2013)
Image from: Lucia (2013)
Image from: Lucia (2013)
Image from: Lucia (2013)
Image from: Lucia (2013)
Image from: Lucia (2013)
Image from: Lucia (2013)
Image from: Lucia (2013)
Image from: Lucia (2013)
Image from: Lucia (2013)
Image from: Lucia (2013)
1. The basic theme of the film is relatively away from the typical storyline of Indian cinemas. If you have noticed carefully, the film starts with some lines by a poet called Kanakadasa, which said the entire theme and plot of this story. One of the lines goes like this 'Are you a creature of illusion, Or illusion is your creation?' You get carried away by the film that you almost forget that they have said this, until the very end of the story where they break it. Just like the film sixth sense, where bruce asks the child 'what is your problem'. He says 'I see dead people'. Then they show a close up of bruce willis for 30 seconds, but you will not get that until the end of the story.

2. Other thing that is very different from usual films is that the story is non-linear. A typical Indian film will have the story told like this: A-------Z (just plain story); or if it has a flash back then J--------M, A----------I, M-----------Z. When you take this story, there are three streams, a present, a past and an alternate past. And these three streams are interchanged frequently producing non-linear screenplay. If I take events in the present as M-----Z and events in the past as A-------M and A'---------M'(real past and alternate past respectively) then the screenplay goes like this: M----N, A----B, A'-----B', N-----O, B------C, B'------C' and goes on till Y------Z. Now this is quite complex, which we don't see frequently. Compared to the other English films (memento, prestige, triangle, 12 monkeys, and some other crazy time travel related movies) this screenplay is relatively easy to understand. But still not a usual occurrence.

3. I heard that including the hero, all the actors are new to the acting, which I found very hard to believe. Especially, the hero. He has two different roles (one in the real past and other in the alternate past). Luckily they showed his transformation from one to other very early in the film. Otherwise it would have been difficult to identify that both are done by same person. Now the point is he did not do any make up gimmicks to stay different, but he used his body language, pronunciation of dialogues, to make the difference. And you know what, it worked. When he say finally in the interview 'I just want to disappear and be invisible in the crowd' it looked as though he really meant it. At no place, it looked like he or others overacted or anything. When you finish the movie, just see his interview in black and white again, you will get what I wanted to say.

4. The director gives some clues for you identify here and there. I usually get offended when a film like this doesn't have clues and finally in the climax they just explain plainly giving us reasons. You can see all these clues in films like prestige, sixth sense and usual suspects which are scattered throughout the film. Giving clues is a win-win situation for the director. If we find the clues, we are happy that we found that even before they showed it. If we did not find, again we will think how foolish we were to miss that and praise the director for his smartness. In both situations, director gets what he want which is the appreciation of the movie.

5. There is one good moment in the film prestige, where they explain the three acts of a magic trick, about showing something everyone knows and about people who wants to get fooled. Here also the same thing happens. The director presents to you something which is a very common occurrence, and make you believe it. Finally he gives some reason to change everything. You know you are fooled, but you feel happy for the same. (SPOILER: we always think that if they show something what we usually see, we take it for reality. The director used it. We take the coloured story as real (just because it was colorful) and take the grey one as dream because it was not natural. Finally when he answers in the interview that he lost his ability to see colours from childhood and he dreams in colours, everything comes into perspective).

6. No dialogues, no songs, no scenes seemed forced in this movie. They were careful enough to not get comments like 'oh.. that song is unnecessary. Or Why did they even place this scene here' 7. The cinematography was so good in the first few minutes with lots of new techniques, just like arnofsky's requiem for a dream. Then it went on for usual filming style. Note that the movie was funded only by audience. Probably they did not have enough money to continue the same till the end.

8. The ideas of this movie are original. Some concepts like (SPOILER) killing the alternate ego to wake him up from the dream state is loosely based on inception (kill and u come back to reality), or being in the dream world for longer makes him think that THAT is the reality (inception). But nowhere it looked it was copied.

9. Finally the theme of the movie is so different and philosophical it makes you think at that end. They finally say 'One man's life is other's dream'. We can take this like anything. A. Your life is someone else's dream. Which means someone else is longing to live your life. Which means your life is so much better. Why do you want to attain a dream life? Or B. Why do you want to dream and live an alternate dream life. Try to make your dreams happen and make your dream life, the reality. Whatever it is, it definitely makes you think and for a long time.

Review by parthibanb88 from the Internet Movie Database.