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Freaky Faron

Freaky Faron (2006) Movie Poster
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USA  •    •    •  Directed by: John Ross.  •  Starring: Courtney Halverson, Lydia Milner, Carly Hayes, Sewell Whitney, Catharine Scott, Jerib Kaiser, Kailey Fullerton, Beth Swales, Robert S. Ball, Robyn Black, Piper Cadieux, Aaron Cornelison, Katy Gallagher.  •  Music by: Ryan Adison Amen.
     When she was 11, young Faron Hallowell was sent away to a mental institution for shooting and nearly killing a local weatherman--a secret mission she claimed was assigned to her by alien beings. Now, five years later, released and rehabilitated, all she wants is a normal life. But when the events of her dark past return to haunt her, she'll have to use her uncanny abilities once again to protect her hometown and uncover the secret of her own identity.


   Length:  Languages:  Subtitles:


Image from: Freaky Faron (2006)
Image from: Freaky Faron (2006)
Image from: Freaky Faron (2006)
Image from: Freaky Faron (2006)
Image from: Freaky Faron (2006)
Image from: Freaky Faron (2006)
Image from: Freaky Faron (2006)
Image from: Freaky Faron (2006)
Image from: Freaky Faron (2006)
Image from: Freaky Faron (2006)
Image from: Freaky Faron (2006)
Image from: Freaky Faron (2006)
Image from: Freaky Faron (2006)
Image from: Freaky Faron (2006)
Image from: Freaky Faron (2006)
Image from: Freaky Faron (2006)
Faron Hallowell (Courtney Halverson) is about to be released from a mental institution. It seems that when she was 11 she shot a weatherman (the T.V. type, not political) and nearly killed him. Watching the film we find that she was under the impression that she was fulfilling a part of guardian assistance is subduing rowdy aliens. Of course we all know that is impossible. Now all she wants to do is pursue a normal life and put all that behind her.

It appears that the past will not stay the past; the most innocuous actions on the part of kids and authorities are weaving a pattern that we as observers cannot keep up with even with a bevy of clues.

I kept looking around corners and just waiting for "teenagers from space." Of course there is always the possibility that it is just freaky Faron. The film ends way too soon and the results cause us us to do a little or our own Introspection.

Review by the_bernie from the Internet Movie Database.