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Alarido del Terror

Alarido del Terror (1991) Movie Poster
Mexico  •    •  81m  •    •  Directed by: René Cardona III.  •  Starring: Roberto Ballesteros, Edna Bolkan, Carlos East, Rojo Grau, Sergio Jiménez, Mineko Mori, Bruno Rey, Azela Robinson, Roberto Ruy, Hugo Stiglitz, Sophia Stiglitz, Mario Valdez, Arturo Vences..
    A bunch of graverobbers break into a tomb and awaken a monster that goes after them to retrieve what they have stolen.


Image from: Alarido del Terror (1991)
Image from: Alarido del Terror (1991)
Image from: Alarido del Terror (1991)
Image from: Alarido del Terror (1991)
Image from: Alarido del Terror (1991)
Image from: Alarido del Terror (1991)
Image from: Alarido del Terror (1991)
Image from: Alarido del Terror (1991)
Image from: Alarido del Terror (1991)
Image from: Alarido del Terror (1991)
Image from: Alarido del Terror (1991)
Image from: Alarido del Terror (1991)
Image from: Alarido del Terror (1991)
Image from: Alarido del Terror (1991)
Image from: Alarido del Terror (1991)
Image from: Alarido del Terror (1991)
Image from: Alarido del Terror (1991)
Image from: Alarido del Terror (1991)
Well, what can I say? Positive, that is. It's colourful and especially to its credit there are not long talkie stretches. Also the young girl is good, certainly as good as anyone else and there really is a monster. At first it seems we may just get repeated shots of a shadowy figure in a cave but no, out he comes, shuffling around in what look like carpet slippers, making scaring noises, killing lots and licking his bloodied lips. On the other hand, this is complete hokum. Talk of ancient Gods, sacrilege, magic bones, heroes and villains and we even get a real, well obviously not really, real but a portal through which the goodies can pass. Mind you, I say 'goodies' but early on we get a dreadful picture of the male Mexican family man, such that there is a point when the guy is disappearing into some swamp later on, we are all set to cheer and he gets saved. Where is the justice in that? If you really have nothing else to do and you fancy something nonsensical but very different, then grab a beer, or two and watch this.

Review by christopher-underwood from the Internet Movie Database.