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Singularity Principle

Singularity Principle (2013) Movie Poster
USA / Canada / Bahamas / Australia  •    •  87m  •    •  Directed by: David Robert Deranian, Austin Robert Hines.  •  Starring: William B. Davis, Michael Patrick Denis, John Diehl, Amy LoCicero, Adam Formanek, Darren Toombs, Scott Asmar, Mike De Jong, Christine Krowchenko, Christian McCarty, Robert Reitano, Chloe Smith, Kallie Jean Sorensen.  •  Music by: Steve Urspringer.
     Noted scientist Professor Jack Brenner disappears during a fateful parallel universe experiment. Jack's protege, Dr. Peter Tanning is interrogated by Dr. Lawrence Cason of a clandestine Black-Ops Agency to learn about the experiment and to find out what happened to Jack Brenner. Lawrence makes it clear that he wants to know everything about the experiment, including how parallel universes can be manipulated...


   Length:  Languages:  Subtitles:


Image from: Singularity Principle (2013)
Image from: Singularity Principle (2013)
Image from: Singularity Principle (2013)
Image from: Singularity Principle (2013)
Image from: Singularity Principle (2013)
Image from: Singularity Principle (2013)
Image from: Singularity Principle (2013)
Image from: Singularity Principle (2013)
Image from: Singularity Principle (2013)
Image from: Singularity Principle (2013)
Image from: Singularity Principle (2013)
Image from: Singularity Principle (2013)
Image from: Singularity Principle (2013)
Image from: Singularity Principle (2013)
Singularity Principle: 6 out of 10: A physicist experimenting with wormholes and the like may have created a bridge to an alternate universe. Or he might have had a psychotic break. Is his wife really leaving him for a resort owning oil baron who fixes cars named Buck? Will the labs RA shut down the experiment due to the spikes in electrical usage and the radiation glow? Will a local band get a five-minute cameo? All these questions will be answered by the Singularity Principle.

The Good: Fans of this movie (I am generously using the plural as the only fan I know of at this time is my wife) will tell you that the movie was written and directed by Dr. David Deranian a real-life physicist. And you know what I can tell for both good and bad. On the good side, the physics are well presented and dumbed down just enough to follow along. The science will keep one interested when other aspects of the story fail to impress.

Also for a limited (very limited) budget, they do a good job looking like it takes place at a physics lab. I'm guessing that they filmed on location at Dr.Deranian's own lab but credit where credit is due. The special effects are also decent and they don't try to cash checks they don't have the money or talent for.

The Bad: You want to know the downside of having a Physicist write your screenplay. You get characters like Buck the tall, rich, wife stealer. In fact, much of the dialogue and non-physics story steers dangerously into James Nguyen territory.

The Ugly: There is a local band (they are decent) and the main character plays the double bass. So let's kill some time at the bar. I swear they filmed the wrap party and put it in the middle of the film.

In Conclusion: If you can get past the very limited budget, the occasional awkward dialogue, and story beat, and Buck cuckolding everything that moves you are in for an interesting dissertation on some physics principles wrapped in the warm blanket of science fiction.

Review by juliankennedy23 from the Internet Movie Database.